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Missing HUD


New Member
For some reason i cant seem to get hud up when entering settlements. I have no mods that change my hud at all.
I just realized my problem i was using Full Dialog Interface which was blocking the HUD just like Extended Dialog interface is for others.
XDI is blocking the HUD for others?

I have been using XDI since SS2 v1.0.0 and the only problem I've had with the HUD is not triggering when entering workshop mode. They work just fine with hotkeys if they do not appear when entering workshop mode. They also appear outside workshop mode if I hit the hotkey.
Ok so I've scoured the web and this forums trying to find an answer but so far nothing. My HUD has NEVER worked, ever. I never played SS1 so I had no idea that even existed until I watched a video for plot type I don't understand (I still don't understand the caravan plots) and so I wondered why is it that I have never had any sort of HUD other than the vanilla one.
Now I am using DEF_UI and I have followed Kingaths video on that, also tried separately to just load the patch. I use vortex for all mod downloads and installs. But nothing has worked so far. Due to this thread I tried disabling Full Dialog Menu but still nothing. This are not the only mods I have so I am hesitant to keep changing stuff as I just got the game to be stable enough to play for several hours continuously.
So I also want to know if this is not something that's behind the any quest, I haven't finished the full quest (which is amazing btw) and since I never played SS1, I have no idea what awaits me.
I can build plots, residential, municipal, commercial, etc and I do see the holo icons above the plots in workshop mode (even though I still don't understand what they mean) but I have no Resources or Info HUD.
Sometimes, very rarely, the HUD will appear for a brief second upon entering a settlement to then disappear. I have tried setting up hotkeys via MCM, setting up the HUD to always show via holotape and MCM but nothing.
Yesterday after much reinstalling of DEF_UI and what not I was able to see the HUD semiconsistently in Sanctuary and Red Rocket but was completely stuck on vanilla HUD, no amount of changes to DEF_UI worked at all, until once again I reinstalled everything to then have DEF_UI perfectly fine but SS2 HUDs missing completely. Of course HUD framework is installed.
I'm not opposed to stop using DEF_UI if anyone can point me to a HUD that can be small in size or customizable, I HATE the huge HUD on this game with a passion, it's completely not PC friendly at all. Also if anyone knows how I can scale down the vanilla HUD menu that would be great, the size is just massive on my 1440p monitor.
I also installed Workshop Plus to see if that helps but nothing. I also have the hotkeys manager mod and I can see the hotkeys for SS2 there but they don't work. I tried using keys not mapped to anything and remapping common keys, nothing.
If anyone has any input or needs any more info I would be happy to help. This is by far the best mod I have used. I am one of those rare cases that has never finished any of the main or faction quests in FO4 despite sinking more than 300 hours in the game, mostly just doing minutemen stuff and settlement building. This was all before this amazing mod appeared, imagine my joy upon playing this. Thank you all, truly, thank you for making me play FO4 again
Aha, that is widescreen. Then you must try the mods from Sondral123ad: like, TRUBY9 ULTRAWIDESCREEN DEF_UI Fix, that did wonders for me. I presume you use Truby9?
Ok so, after testing all possible things all afternoon I do have some good news and some bad news. First, the Truby9 DEF_UI Fix did not work for me at all. No change on the UI. But using his main mod, which gives Ultrawidescreen support actually did enable the SS2 HUD. But, the problem is that it completely destroyed my HUD and my resolution (since I'm not using an ultrawide monitor) and even trying to manually edit the DEF_UI interface did nothing. I also tried installing some other presets for DEF_UI and setting them lower but they didn't work at all. Changing some options on Trubys mod did make the interface a bit better (actually able to read the UI) but again the resolution was all kinds of messed up and that had a very negative impact on gameplay, especially scopes; but SS2 HUD still showed.

Ok so I disabled Trubys mod and was prepared to simply live without the SS2 HUD, but lo and behold the HUDfr patch actually stayed after disabling Trubys mod so the SS2 HUD still showed. I managed to move it with hotkeys to the center just to ensure that it won't disappear on the edges again.

Ok so at this point I had the vanilla HUD but on an ultrawide resolution which just made everything look completely off. I went to the settings on the launcher and the resolution was set properly. So I looked at the Fallout4Prefs.ini and turns out the game was set at 720 x 480 resolution, I have no freacking idea why or how but explains why workshop menus looked horrible and way too damn big. Ok, changed resolution there and hardcoded mine, game loads the SS2 HUD, but it looks incredibly small, tiny. I have hotkeys to increase size but they don't work, nothing happens. The hotkeys to move the menus do work as well as the cycle hotkey, but resizing does nothing. Is there a way to "reset" the HUD to default size? I have no idea if perhaps I had change the size before when the game was at 720p.

It also seems that Workshop Plus was interfering as well and I had to disable it (a shame since increased speed and clear weather is amazing) but I also had the issue where it would randomly drop me off workshop mode for some reason (I had autosave in workshop disabled).

So at this point, after food and some work, I will test loading a preset for DEF_UI to make it smaller and changing some hotkeys on SS2 to see if I can increase the size of those HUDs. If anyone knows a fix for workshop plus I would appreciate it. Also the actual bars on the HUD seem off or wrong, they are completely full on Hangmans Alley where I have barely any citizens. I've yet to test this on other settlements since I wanted to test on small size ones first.

UPDATE: OK so I reinstalled some presets for DEF_UI and one of them seemed to work, meaning it will show the SS2 HUD in workshop. But after editing the HUD via DEF_UIs way to config, well, it messes up the SS2 HUD again and now no matter what I do, I can't get the SS2 HUD to show again. I think I'll have to live without it I guess. I'd rather do that than use the horrendous default HUD this game has, I don't play from my couch
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#Madestro, Oh my God, I misread your post. That is not widescreen. I'm so sorry. So Truby9 isn't for your monitor. The good thing is that this confirms that DEF_UI is the culprit. Especially hudmenu.swf in data\interface. See the Hudframework page on the Nexus:
A DEF_UI patch is provided in the Files section.
If you are using any other mod that replaces HUDMenu.swf, you should merge HUDFramework with the other mod's HUDMenu.swf. This is an automated process - the HUDFramework Auto-Patcher is able to automatically inject HUDFramework into any HUDMenu.swf. (In fact, this release itself is an auto-patch on the vanilla HUDMenu!) Get the auto-patcher in the Files section - instructions are included in the download.
You could try this? If the resource huds are back, don't overwrite def_hud.xml in data\interface\DEF_CONF with a preset. That will screw things up again. At least it did in my install. Try to adjust the screen with HUDMenuSet.exe instead. But very carefully, step by step. Because changing to much will make your resource huds disappear again. It seems like HUDMenu.swf and DEF_HUD.xml are not working nicely together in SS2.
See my example in spoiler that the widescreen fix replaces HUDMenu.swf and that everything then works. So this file has to be patched I think.
Screenshot 2020-11-17 103105.png
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Second remark:
If you want to have everything just work out of the box, you have to make custom HUDMenu.swf and DEF_HUD.xml for your resolution. I did that. You can do that by using the descriptions in 2 mods: TRUBY9 ULTRAWIDESCREEN DEF_UI Fix and DEF_UI HUDMenuSet Ultrawidescreen. But, instead of the resolutions mentioned there (widescreen) you should use your resolution. So with JPEXS. I did that and it really isn't as hard as it seems. I used Adobe flashplayer_32_sa_debug for this. For me, this was the only way to make the hudmenu and def_hud work nicely together with hudframework and it made the resource huds appear out of the box. See the examples in Spoiler. Don't look at the FPS (7.4). I usually have about 80fps.
Good luck. Oh, that thing about Workshop Plus. Very strange, never had that. Are you using a jetpack? Because that can screw things up. Is your load order ok? So pretty high up? This is with LOOT.
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Thanks for the response. Yes I had pinpointed out that DEF_UI was the culprit in all of this which lead me to the patch from HUDfr. But that patch did not work, even after reinstalling all HUD mods and doing the install in order. Also, yes the Truby original mod does bring back the SS2 HUD but is not a HUD I can use (due to the resolution) and I can't edit it.
Regarding the autopatcher, yeah I also did that and followed an amazing video by kingath on how to do it. But nothing. It didn't work. But you definitely hit the nail on the head as everything works fine with the vanilla HUD and DEF_UI installed. The problem, as you pointed out, is that I must go very little by very little customizing the HUD or else it breaks again. That other method with the JPEXS I'm not familiar with nor do I have flashplayer_32_sa_debug, not sure if I should go that route or just adjust the DEF_UI HUD one minor thing at a time, which might take days as there's nothing of the vanilla HUD that I like as it is, but it would ensure everything works.
I'm assuming for a preset to work it must also come with a prepatch with HUDfr so it doesn't break SS2s HUD. I'm also not sure if the HUD itself is working properly, the resource bars are kinda weird, some completely full, some empty and I have a pretty good balance on settlements (low pop count) but I haven't advanced so much of the quest either so maybe that will be explained later or something, at least they are there.
Would it be possible to resize the workshop HUD? Like the actual bar at the top with that JPEX method? If so, I would be interested in going that route.

Thanks a lot for all your help
Def_ui being a culprit does not suprise me at all but even when i dont have that mod installed the UI does not show up which is very weird for me.
Will keep track of this to see if something more pops up, sadly i am unable to contribute because half of the workforce at my job are goofing off claiming they have the coof.
ok so quick update. Once again, testing stuff around. So far it seems DEF_UI itself is not the culprit but rather any custom presets or modifications. I tried Aeliuns idea of going slow with the modifications. I went INCREDIBLY slow (spent almost all day on this) and did just one thing at a time. But, at some point, regardless on what you change or the order of change, the SS2 HUD will vanish from sight. Now, from time to time I can see the HUD elements very briefly but they vanish. Shortcut keys do not work at all, they never show any of the elements. Compatibility patches or even doing it manually don't seem to have any effect for some reason. I haven't tested Truby9 again because that is not a HUD I can use.
So at this point I have 2 options, have vanilla HUD and SS2 HUD or have my personalized small HUD and no SS2 HUD, well I guess I'll have to get used to no SS2 HUD. It wasn't registering things properly anyways, when it worked it would say like full bar on food and yet I only had 4 food or I would have 18 defense and the SS2 HUD will show empty bar. Or perhaps I just don't understand how those HUD bars work (most likely).
If anyone has a HUD that you can recommend that is actually made for a PC game, small in size for a 1440p screen, well I would use it instead of DEF_UI but so far I can't play this game with vanilla HUD. I still have a ton of issues with the workshop HUD being massive but oh well.
hmm i am forced to use Truby since i play on ultrawide, however i have the same symptoms.
The hud loads in and then just vanishes to never come back.
I wonder if there is something in Hudframework that might not be working right anymore.

I use DEF_UI for the better inventory management, and then i use Ihud by gopher for a dynamic hud, but Ihud does not interact with anything Hudframework uses nor is it dependant on anything since it runs everything when you are playing.
That is interesting that you're using Truby and still have issues. I started a completely new playthrough with mostly default stuff. Wen to sanctuary and closely followed Jakes instructions for the initial plot and what not but I had no holotape or anything. I crafted the desk and got the holotape, ensuring I left everything as default as I could. I do have the meters HUD up but its cut around half way, the resources HUD is nowhere to be found, probably need to advance the quest.
Here's the thing. I never played SS1 so I have no idea what is part of the natural quest progression and what is a bug or what is just me not understanding how things work and so far the quests are amazing (sans some bugs) and I would really like to not be spoiled and just follow along the developers intended path
But I'm not so sure I can keep on doing that as I think I might need that HUD at some point, I think the workshop HUD simply won't cut it. I honestly have no idea what to do at this point, I simply refuse to play with vanilla HUD, that thing is hideous and clunky as hell
SS1 had no quest progression for plots or tools, so everything was unlocked instantly
only the advanced plots had a progression system but they always worked, (except its hud for me)
I started a new game last weekend, and so far, I have a HUD. I have been afraid to even look at the settings, in case that buggers it. With the way SS2 plots require food, power, water and defense, the HUD is critical. I'm hoping it stays. So far, the only buggy bit was in the Hub of the Problem quest, but I got it sorted by loading a manual save just outside the building a few times.
#yosef well for me at least the SS2 HUD very briefly shows upon entering a settlement then disappears. No hotkeys bring it up inside or outside of workshop mode. Starting a brand new game from scratch and not even touching SS2 settings gets me "half" a HUD, only the meters and they cut off at the power bar.
#UndercoverHat Are you using DEF_UI as your HUD? If so, are you using a preset or customizing it or just the vanilla DEF_HUD ?
I use an ultra-wide 3840x1600.

I recommend
1. starting a save with "Nothing" but SS2,
2. take the workbench
3. Then install DEF, HUD, Truby9 each time seeing what it does to the HUD and adjust as necessary. "make sure stuff works"
4. Now ADJ SS2 HUD in MCM see:
Try these keys:
See if the below video helps?
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Make sure to pick always show - I think KG has yet to fix this so even if you pick "always show" it will only show when in workshop mode.

Update from video:
For me the only way I can get all 31 of the components to display under the "resources" Hud is to change the resource complexity to components (31) first in MCM or the Holotape first.

Good luck, ultra-wides can be hard to set up and there are a lot of resolutions so all I can recommend is play with it and like I said - make a "profile" with nothing enabled of you are having problems. For me it was easiest to figure it out from nothing.
#RayBo Thanks a lot. Yeah I came across your youtube video on my tshoot search and I had already tried most of that stuff. I know if I enable Truby that I will get the HUD back but the problem is that I run 16:9 so that HUD is completely unusable to me and I can't edit it like any other normal preset for DEF_UI, no idea why.
I kinda started a new game just with DEF_UI and SS2 installed but like I mentioned before, the meters are shown and they are cut at the power bar. Honestly, I'm a bit hesitant on starting completely from scratch, I've already invested a ton of time and resources into that SS2 save and somehow have it the way I want it (for the most part) and just the thought of grinding the quests again is not encouraging enough, I'd rather just live without the HUD
#yosef well for me at least the SS2 HUD very briefly shows upon entering a settlement then disappears. No hotkeys bring it up inside or outside of workshop mode. Starting a brand new game from scratch and not even touching SS2 settings gets me "half" a HUD, only the meters and they cut off at the power bar.
#UndercoverHat Are you using DEF_UI as your HUD? If so, are you using a preset or customizing it or just the vanilla DEF_HUD ?
The only HUD-related mod that I'm using is HUD Framework. Other than that, vanilla HUD.

# Automatically generated by Vortex
*Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
*Vivid Fallout - All in One - Best Choice.esp
*More Where That Came From Diamond City.esp
*Insignificant Object Remover.esp
*Companion Infinite Ammo.esp
*HAIA With Crafting.esp
*Armorsmith Extended.esp
*Crafting Mastery.esp