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Primary Bug Report Hub of the Problem - Unable to advance quest, Button in basement doesn't do anything


New Member
This quest needs a bit of polish. I had to come on here to work out that there were mats to a sub basement. Now I’m stuck. I’ve powered up the comm device. I’ve found the holo tape and I’ve pushed the button to make more ASAM thingies and now what? Map offers no clues Jake won’t talk to me and I can’t progress. It feels bugged. Is it bugged?
I had the same problem going through the backdoor too. You must go through the front door with Jake to trigger the dialogues, scenes, and quest steps on the upper floors before it takes you down to the basement; not doing so will prevent all the quest interactions from activating. You'll have to load a save from before you entered at all though; it doesn't work if Jake has already done his dialogue on entry. I spent an hour down there before I tried this; the only save I had before this quest was two hours back T.T
theres a secondary room in front of the one you got the holotape. enter and to the right you will see a machine and a button. click it!
after you need to enable the power ... etc etc etc no spoilers but that's what should be doing
I already did that. That is the Prototype Comm Hub. It would be kinda hard to miss that room.
Did you find the technical documents? It's a red folder on a desk, I can't recall which desk in the sub basement. I spoke to Jake after finding them, gave them to him as per one of the options, and it moved the quest to the next part.
I was able to progress the quest to the proper point where Jake is down in the basement with me, and his dialogue and search animations were triggered.

(Incidentally, the interaction scene with Jake and the terminal in Magnusson's office was awesome. I loved the camera angles, the dialog and everything. Jumping high-fives all around!)

So, after pressing and holding the button, the mats now appear to be interactable. However, no matter how many times I press or press-and-hold E, nothing happens. I was giddy, and now I'm sad. Attempting to interact with Jake at this point does nothing. Oddly, tcl isn't working, so I'm unable to sink into the ground to click on the trap door. Stumped again!20201026191810_1.jpg
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I had the same problem going through the backdoor too. You must go through the front door with Jake to trigger the dialogues, scenes, and quest steps on the upper floors before it takes you down to the basement; not doing so will prevent all the quest interactions from activating. You'll have to load a save from before you entered at all though; it doesn't work if Jake has already done his dialogue on entry. I spent an hour down there before I tried this; the only save I had before this quest was two hours back T.T
that is a outright terrible questdesign, especially since the door into the basement is the closest point of entry and where the mapmarker will point you to, by the time you get this quest you will have the perk that allows you to unlock the door.

If a dev of SS2 sees this please make the door inaccessable to prevent this.
Did you find the technical documents? It's a red folder on a desk, I can't recall which desk in the sub basement. I spoke to Jake after finding them, gave them to him as per one of the options, and it moved the quest to the next part.
yeah I did, Jake picked them up and talked about them but that was about the first item I picked up I think. I just went ahead and reloaded to a save before i went there to try again (I just didn't get the opportunity today.
Hi All,
I am stuck. I search around and there is nothing I can interact with further to end the quest. The following actions I have taken.

I have found the holotape to expand the different types of ASAM
I have powered the radio thing
I have hit the switch on the ASAM to interface with the radio
I have given Jake the schematics
I have interacted with the machine that makes copies of ASAM and Jake had a dialogue that came up.

Now I searched everywhere, but the quest is not ending. Can someone help out
where did you find the sub basement? im in the basement and stuck there....
Under the red button is a bunch of mats on the floor. When you hover the mouse, of the Xbox equivalent, over them you should see a prompt to move them. Took me ages as well, I thought the quest was broken.
First, are you in the main 'basement' without going through a loading screen to reach? If so, look for the vault-tec floor mats in the basement. It's not obvious but once I saw that I sorta felt silly. If not, unsure.
There is a red button in the sub basement that i cant do anything about it
Like Rowan said if you are in the basement with a wall red button there is An interacts le on the floor that you can remove, if you are beyond that part than continue the quest and the second red button’s purpose should come up
Oh the shame...I spent ages looking about, even did a reload and made sure I diddnt go down into the basement before the first bit....I was clicking the button and shouting JAKE THERES A HUGE RED BUTTON,....
I had the weird experience where I found the button first, but I didn't click it, because I don't click big red buttons until I'm absolutely sure what they're for. So then I found the floor mats, and moved them, and saw that the hatch was locked. So then I clicked the big red button to unlock it, and lo and behold, Jake started his dialogue as if he'd just entered the next area, even though we hadn't yet. He also didn't follow me when I did, so I reloaded to before that and did it all in the right order to make it work.
yeah I did, Jake picked them up and talked about them but that was about the first item I picked up I think. I just went ahead and reloaded to a save before i went there to try again (I just didn't get the opportunity today.
Well after turning the "copier" on, turned the switch, then activated the comm hub, then handed him the documents. After all this, the last part was to point to him the holotape in the safe (the one u're not able to pick up), and the quest was done after he spoke some things and asked others.