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No Response Conq. Tips and Tricks


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City Planner (S3)
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@Jacozilla wrote an excellent article in the Vault about Sim Settlements and Nuka World playing nice (or not so nice) together. That is an excellent start!
@GA_Darkerside is looking for people to help write more articles for the vault and I figure that a public forum for us to post our tips and tricks that we've discovered could help with that!

To help organize our thoughts, I'd like to present a format that seems to work well with the other Vault articles. A numbered list contains the topic and letters contain a sub-topic. If you have more than one topic you'd like to discuss, please use the number and letter outline method. This will help @GA_Darkerside combine the topics into a sort of master list.

1: Raider Settlements
This section talks about Raider Settlements in Conq.
1a: HQ
This section talks exclusively about the Raider HQ that the player establishes with Jammer
1b: Outpost
1c: Vassal
Here are some tips and tricks that I've found so far that I'd like to share!
1. Settlement vs. Raider Settlers
1a. "Moving" Enslaved by Slave Collar

There is a solid line that divides the player's Raider Outpost/HQ and vanilla settlements that settlers cannot cross. Regular settlements, those that attract Settlers with the radio beacon, can have settlers moved between them and Vassal settlements, but not to an Outpost or the Raider HQ.

The Slave Collar keeps the Settler on the same side of the line: Vanilla or Vassal only.

This can make adding Enslaved labor to your Raider Outposts and HQ difficult. In fact, I don't know how to do it.

Enslaving a Settlement and turning it into a Raider Outpost does provide a one-shot addition of Enslaved that can be moved between Outposts and HQ. So a Tip is to Enslave a very heavily populated Settlement to maximize the use of outposts and labor.

1b. TRICK: "Honey Trap" settlements
A tactic that works for me to populate my Vassal settlements (which no longer attract settlers via 'radio beacon') is to have a Honey Trap settlement. This settlement is 'vanilla', has a regular radio beacon that attracts all the hapless and hopeless into a beautiful little settlement. Once I get enough to make the settlement run well (about 6) I find number 7, trade a slave collar onto them, and move them to a Vassal settlement.

Remember, you can move 'settlers' between 'honey trap' and Vassal settlements, but not to an Outpost or the Raider HQ.

2. TIP: Outpost vs. Vassal = 8:1
My first play through of Conqueror I turned pretty much turned everything I could reach into an Outpost because I wanted to rule the whole Commonwealth.
Well, that's really hard to maintain. Someone has to feed all of your raiders. The only 'Enslaved' you can move to Outposts and HQ are from other Outposts. You run out of them pretty quickly.
An Outpost operates as a 'control hub' for the settlements in its radius of control. With the pip-boy map open, you mouse over the Outpost and the icon of unclaimed settlements changes to a little dude standing over a curved chain. These are the Vassals that will feed your Outpost.

A Tip is to have about 8 to 1 ratio of Outpost to Vassal settlements. For example, Starlight Drive can reach 8 Settlements rather easily.

If you love to build settlements, like I do, there is an option in the Sim Settlements Manager holotape under Conqueror to enable building in Vassal settlements.

3: Companions
3a. TIP: Cait

Take Cait on Raider outpost raids with you. She has dialog that I had not heard before and it's awesome.
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Are you saying that if i go in a settlement that's friendly, not conquered just developed the old SS way, i can trade a collar to a settler making him a slave and send the poor guy to my outpost?

My tip, that i successfully used in my present run, is not to start the three recruiting quests for Jammer: Corvega Red and brewery, before you are around level 10.
This way the raider recruited will be around level 8 9 and wont be killed that easily by level 8 civilians and gunners as happens if you recruit them at a lower level. Gearing them up is also very important; with pipe guns and a single piece of armor you wont go anywhere; give them at the very least a 308 hunting or a 10mm gun, much better if you give them 45 SMG or combat rifles, gunners wont stand a chance even in Very Hard, dont know in survival but i dont think it will be very different
You will lose some raiders, i'm a bad player and i usually lose half of them, but the battle will develop by itself in a win, given we have more troops than the enemy and better armed.
I like your tip! I just finished that exact scenario but not at level 10 and it was a struggle.

The honey trap settlement AND the Vassal settlement still use settlers but the Vassal stops growing. So send honey trap (vanilla) settlers to your Vassal.
The slave collar does NOT change that except for the name of the settler.

You can't send a settler (either vanilla, or Vassal, or collared) to an outpost or HQ. The only enslaved you can move between. Outposts and HQ were those captured during a raider slave raid. Those same enslaved cannot be sent to a vassal or vanilla settlement.

There's a line between outposts and vanilla/vassal that settlers of different types can't cross.
I did some test and found that it changes nothing collaring settlers in frindly settlements; the list where you can send them remain the same. HQ isnt in the list, as is not in list the enslaved settlement. The farm is in the list but greyed being at full pop and that's the same for free settlers and enslaved.