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  1. Rudy

    No Response Conq. Tips and Tricks

    @Jacozilla wrote an excellent article in the Vault about Sim Settlements and Nuka World playing nice (or not so nice) together. That is an excellent start! @GA_Darkerside is looking for people to help write more articles for the vault and I figure that a public forum for us to post our tips and...
  2. GlitchTech

    Interior Plots - Atrium Snap Points

    This is a Primary Bug Report. It is meant to help the Sim Settlements team with issues reported multiple times. Only staff should use this tag. Thank you I've been playing around with interior plots in Vault 88. Most of the rooms are snapping fine but strangely the Atrium snap points are...
  3. SpringyFz

    Vault-Tec Mini Vaults

    Vault-Tec Mini Vaults: V. 0.0.1 #Released???
  4. C

    Which plots can you place inside a vault?

    Hello all, I was just wondering as the post title implies, which plots you can place inside a vault? I was thinking some of the agricultural plots (wood or concrete based ones without a big tree) would work? I know I have placed these on top of wooden foundations and a few other places so I...