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RotC 2 | Stores Are Stall Only?


New Member
This is my first time using Sim Settlements at all. I'm using SS2 with RotC 2 (and really liking it so far) and I'm noticing stores popping up, and I'd like to shop at them, but no settlers will employ at any of them and I can't manually assign settlers to them. When I examine the objects in the workshop, I notice they say a variety of things like "stall only", or "counter", which I'm assuming is the cause.

e.g., I'm using the integrated Sanctuary RotC city plan Sanctuary Hills (designed by Braybrahbacon, Franciestmoon, and Kinggath). Sanctuary just upgraded to L2. I see CLOTHING STORE V1 - STALL ONLY in the middle of it with no employee (also, why still V1? It's not gonna change to V2 now that the settlement upgraded to L2?)

So what gives? Is it just a matter of waiting till L3 before shops actually come online? Are stalls like the one mentioned purely decoration?
Yes many of the stalls are decorative (I exclusively use RotC city plans myself).

Actual commercial stores are present in these city plans too - you can either assign someone to the store and then it should function, or you can wait until someone eventually assigns to one. Shops are available at any level (and while commercial plots unlock later in the story line "naturally", using city plans before that point will simply allow them to be available sooner). If you assign a settler to it and it still isn't working, then something else is wrong.
As for the plot not updating immediately along with the rest of the plan, I too experience this sometimes. It should eventually upgrade - I'm not sure why the delay happens occasionally. If you click the ASAM, does it give any kind of message such as "can't afford construction costs"? If not, it may be down to script lag.

Sometimes RotC plots produce duplicates though and this is something to be aware of. If things continue not to level up, try making a manual save (just in case a crash happens), and lift up the plot. If there's another one underneath it, it should be deleted. This is a known issue regarding these plans and is on the radar, but unfortunately it will be some time before they can be corrected. For now, removing duplicates yourself is the recommended method.
Ok, your response made me look more closely, and I see what's going on. This is mostly an RTFM moment for me.

Opening up the workshop reveals icons overlayed on plots. The decorative stalls and counters have no icons since they are not plots, but real functioning stores have a little cash register icon, followed by an icon indicating the type of store, like a t-shirt for the clothing store, scissors for the barber, etc. Then I took your advice and activated the ASAM for one of the stores, then I tracked the occupants, and it led me to the shopkeeper who would actually barter with me.

Problem solved. TYVM.