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How to HQ getting stuck


New Member
I have been trying to do "How to HQ" and after talking to Mansworth and then building him an office the game doesn't progress from that point on neither does the quest complete meaning i cant build living quarters and clean the rest of the HQ. Please help!
I tried to switch the "city simulator mode" and nothing and i did try to run the recalculation and the fixes and nothing helped. maybe its a mod conflicting with another mod? since what is happening is that i finish the construction and the quest dont progress it still says "Wait for construction to complete" but it is ticked its just that the next thing doesnt want to start. another thing is that Mansfield doesnt stop talking, like i got up to him, start the dialogue and he talks but the never gives me a holotape and when i finish talking to him i can talk to him again about the same exact thing but he also keeps walking around while the dialogue is still on so he might be on the other side of the hq but I'm still talking to him and other times the dialogue just cuts off when he wonders off to far.
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