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How is your 1st playthrough of Chapter 3, everyone?


Active Member
I am not sure if this kind of thread is appropriate for "Question & Help". But this definitely does not fit with "Discussion", so I post here.

As the title states, how is your 1st impression of Chapter 3?
Because I have discarded the previous MOD environment for SS2, I will not be able to play it for some time, and would very much like to hear your thought and opinion about it (as well as some advice). Thanks in advance!
I don't feel like I've gotten far enough yet to give a proper assessment, especially since I've missed several scenes already due to having to console-command or use the Quest Skip Cheat in the holotape to bypass literal gamebreakers (had one lockup earlier that I couldn't get out of without hard powering off my entire PC). Which I guess says it all.

But since the forums aren't getting spam-flooded with bug reports, I guess it's just me that has this feeling of forcing my way through without especially enjoying it just to see where it goes.
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I don't feel like I've gotten far enough yet to give a proper assessment, especially since I've missed several scenes already due to having to console-command or use the Quest Skip Cheat in the holotape to bypass literal gamebreakers (had one lockup earlier that I couldn't get out of without hard powering off my entire PC). Which I guess says it all.

But since the forums aren't getting spam-flooded with bug reports, I guess it's just me that has this feeling of forcing my way through without especially enjoying it just to see where it goes.
I don't know if this is the right thread, but after I loaded up the new expansions, (all of them, and Vortex told me to Disable a couple), I have had nothing but stoppage and slo-down , one after another. I'll try to re-load and then I'll try to just stop playing till it's fixed. I am so looking forward to this.
Also, my save worked reasonable well last time I played. (last week)
I don't know if this is the right thread, but after I loaded up the new expansions, (all of them, and Vortex told me to Disable a couple), I have had nothing but stoppage and slo-down , one after another. I'll try to re-load and then I'll try to just stop playing till it's fixed. I am so looking forward to this.
Also, my save worked reasonable well last time I played. (last week)

Hi, can you please describe these problems you are encountering? (Perhaps in a separate post - feel free to tag me).
I hadn't realized how much I had changed my modlist since I finished ss2 ch2 so I wasn't able to resume that game so I'm starting over.

The one thing that has stood out so far since updating the mod/adding the ch3 files is that Jake's follower dialogue for combat completion is really hair-trigger. He's saying it after every enemy, regardless of if there are any other hostile enemies.
It'll be a while before I can comment on the actual meat of ch 3 though.
THIS IS SO TOTALY AWESOME AND WORTH THE WAIT. Some initial issues, (player caused). Once I updated both the previous chapters, added the extended, updated WSFW and WSFW Script Override, the game has been progressing nicely. I had one CTD, that didn't generate a crash log, but I think I may have had to many jobs going at HQ at one time.
The only other item was finding something at Coast Guard that the Binoculars would tag. Being that I already had cleared that area, it didn't seem to pick anything up, so I just went closer, and all was good.
A few more thoughts:
The Player's dialog options could really do with another pass to make sure the 'subtitle' text actually matches the audio and that the right audio was used in the first place. I've encountered a few now (wish I'd been taking notes) where Nora says something completely unrelated, and more where the line's just a little mismatched.
There's also more than a few simple typos in the subtitles for everyone.

Also, why did I bother spending that much effort getting a nice mod combo for equipment for the Gunners, when 90% of the ones spawning in because of Ch3 are using the base-game loadouts plus that new gun? (which, since it doesn't have a Silencer option, I'm never going to use myself btw)
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Also, why did I bother spending that much effort getting a nice mod combo for equipment for the Gunners, when 90% of the ones spawning in because of Ch3 are using the base-game loadouts plus that new gun? (which, since it doesn't have a Silencer option, I'm never going to use myself btw)
While the Gunner Outfit Pack looks cool, I've decided not to use it because you can't change/remove the logos on the outfits and repurpose them for your soldiers.
How do I get Chapter 3 story to trigger. I have entered my saved game and am wondering aimlessly around the commonwealth, but have not gotten any indication of where to begin. No prompts.
Did the update change the costs of building and upgrades? I started a new playthrough and I was surprised when the first shop I built required organics to build, as did upgrading building material industrial plots from level 1 to 2. I don't have organics yet! That's whats supposed to be unlocked by going to level 2!
How do I get Chapter 3 story to trigger. I have entered my saved game and am wondering aimlessly around the commonwealth, but have not gotten any indication of where to begin. No prompts.

I rolled back to a save where I was in an external cell (I was at Sanctuary). The radio triggered and I was talking to Aiden. So it might have something to do with being in an external cell.
Having made it a bit further, here's some more firm thoughts:

  • These military mechanics really need a QOL/UX pass or two at the very least - assuming some of what I'm seeing isn't bugs that snuck through the internal alpha tests.
  • I thought the HQ "tutorials" were bad, but ... man. It's the same poor explanations but now hidden away in a new holotape I'm willing to bet some people won't even notice they got given. I'd honestly prefer an NPC (Salvador, probably?) making us watch him build a couple plots at this point. I can't even figure out what I'm misunderstanding vs what's bugged at this stage.
  • On the plus side, the story at the point I'm up to is starting to ramp up a bit, if I didn't keep having to try to figure out how to find enough more troops to do another assault (since there's no easy way to bring back the people that stay to guard captured locations) I'd have progressed further. I've started resorting to console-command spawning more generic settlers rather than wait an ingame week between quest stages - there has to be something I'm missing here too, since I've spotted the population at my Outposts going down more than once and I have no idea where they went - can't find them at any of the Non Settlement Locations we've captured.
  • EDIT: A nice touch during a 'sidequest' (I won't name which) where a quick load screen to force a fade to black then back again was used mid conversation to represent your character zoning out. That was well done.
TL;DR - the mechanics feel like they're "in the way" of the questline even more than in past Chapters.

For those unaware, Conqueror was what got me into SimSettlements in the first place, so I was as hype for this update as I allow myself to get
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