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[BUG] weapons bug


New Member
I was trying out the settings and after some point X (to take out weapons/fists etc) wouldn't work.
I was streaming so I could go see what happened but nothing. (I have a vod recording. it seems to have happened between 1 hour 59 and 2 hours 5 minutes, I watched it but doesn't appear to be something I activated as I tried it again in another save.(can't post links for now so I don't know how to do this so...?))
to be sure, I tried disabling the mod and it does solve the problem, so I know it's Three in one.
This is a vanilla bug, at least on PC. "Sometimes" opening the Pipboy & selecting a different weapon will fix it... but, on really locks in and a rollback is required.
When this sort of thing happens for me, it's usually just that a modifier key got stuck, i.e. the "key down" event for alt or whatever got sent to the game, but it never got a corresponding "key up" event. The next time it happens, give ctrl/alt/shift a tap and see if that doesn't fix it.

Sounds dumb, I know, but I've had it happen in every Bethesda game I've ever played, as well as lots of others--most recently, last night playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance, which is a totally unrelated engine even, took me at least 30 seconds to work out why I couldn't unsheathe a torch.
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