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Just some Curtains and Rods

Decorative Just some Curtains and Rods friffy

Just some Curtains and Rods

If you feel that decorating your settlements gets boring after a while here's a new challenge for you - curtains and rods. Decoration overkill.

Update v2a:
First and foremost:
A big THANK YOU to Ethreon for all the help, knowledge and patience. One of the most nicest guys around here on Nexus. Without him this update wouldn't have been possible.

Ethreon - my god of the meshes - was so nice and reworked the curtain meshes, both the straight and the curved curtains. Now the curved curtains finally have a proper collision, no more invisible walls on the upper floor when you have placed them on the first floor. The rods snap closer to the ceiling and the curtains are almost userfriendly now (but that doesn't change the recommendation for Place Everywhere ).
I also added new textures for the curtain rods, they come with a pattern on the front now. Reason for this, I was tiered to check if I had the right direction for the rods after placing and rotating them. Now it's clearly to see.


Since the meshes and connect points are different now all your curtains that were placed before WILL need to get adjusted AGAIN. Not as bad to do as it was before but still necessary.
Because of this I make the update a separate file. If you don't want to do all the work again you can update the mod when you start a new game.
Or you could give it a try and test it. If you don't like it but want the new textures for the rods, just overwrite the meshes and the esp from v2a with the old v2 meshes and esp.

It isn't all perfect and easy to use and I STRONGLY RECOMMENT Place Everywhere if you want to use this mod - otherwise you won't have much fun at all with it. But be warned, even with Place Everywhere the Elegant curtains and the rods are tricky to handle. Easiest way is to use only the straight curtains - no rods, no pain. No fun. No victory.


A few tip how to decorate your home with curtains and rods as stressless as possible:

1. Always use a mod like Place Everywhere or Precise Object Moving (I prefer PE for builing).

2. The curtain rods need to be placed a bit below the "visible" ceiling because the "real" ceiling box (?) lies lower. If you take the wooden roofs for example you should place the rod at the hight of the outer big beams. Do this and the curtains will snap to the rods without any issues (see screenshots) If you want it all attached to the ceiling move them with PE to it after you have arranged all to your liking. But you can also place the curtains and the rods freely, it's some more work but doable.

3. If you do not want to use a movement mod at all or don't want to stress yourself with curtain rods you can use the curtains "as they are". Much easier to handle but less satisfiying.

4. The "Elegant Curtains" are the Memory Den Curtains. I tried everything to get rid of the huge collision box but with no success at all. So if you place one of these curtains in the middle of a room in the first floor you will bounce at an invisible wall on the second floor. If anyone has an idea how to solve this issue he/she is most welcome to do it. The straight curtains do not have this issue.

5. If you have the old mod v1 running uninstall it first, then install the new version. I made a few changes to the file structures but that won't affect any curtains build with the old version, they remain in your game.

6. You'll find the curtains and rods in the decorations - wall decorations - miscellaneous - menu.

I was asked if there will be dirty curtains this time. Honestly I'm reluctant to make dirty versions because I build this stuff with my hard earned resources. I do not pick up some old curtains (or rugs) in some ruins and drop them in my quarter just to have something lying around. And when I build something, I build something new and nice. But never say never, if there are more people asking for more dirt - maybe.

Ethreon for the nifs
Aesfocus for allowing me to use a few of her textures
The Fo4Edit team
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