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Fixed xb1 port


Hey. Got a chance to play with it for about 30 minutes last night. The only thing I have noticed so far is the fire barrel and lantern do not flicker (static) for the Herbalist Shack. Fires and lanterns on all other plots you included do flicker. Otherwise, so far so good. Hope I have more opportunity to look at it some more this weekend.
Thanks! Great news :) also really good to know that the archives got included and the textures weren't messed up - you can't see much of your file on
Ah, yes, the Herbalist was my first and I hadn't figured out which of the statics really are static and which have to be spawned. Had forgotten that, it's the same for the pc version. I'll get it fixed for the update. We have two plots ready and one on the way - a salty bar, a scrappy general store and another tinkering radio store ;)