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Where there’s smoke quest


Doing “where there’s smoke”. I get to the encampment, talk to Aiden and then the raiders show up for a battle. I kill several and then the rest of the red markers disappear and the music keeps playing but the quest won’t update. Sits on “Track down the gunners from the radio”.
Can’t get the quest to progress from this point.
I did not know/remember adding Mojave Imports. Should I consider deleting this?

since you finished the quest not needed, i just wanted confirmation on what it could be. and thanks to your small load order that was the only mod that inst struck me as the culprit!... I will test it to make sure
omg finally someone shares my issue.
Please link me your load order here!
I need it in order to try spot whats acusing this!
As I stated in this post, I think Jake is set to stay at his workshop during this stage of the quest. When you go to one of the markers after the radio scene he will teleport to you, say his lines and start walking back toward Concord. I don't have much in my load order. It does the same thing disabling XDI and my patch.
  1. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
  2. XDI.esm
  3. HUDFramework.esm
  4. WorkshopFramework.esm
  5. SS2.esm
  6. AdvSettleTurretSet.esp
  7. UncappedSettlementSurplus.esp
  8. EasyLockpicking.esp
  9. Key Brackets Fallout.esp
  10. MCMWeatherControl.esp
  11. Key Brackets Combined.esp
  12. RichMerchants.esp
  13. SandboxRadiusOverhaul2x.esp
  14. CROSS_Jetpack.esp
  15. TargetReconEyewear(NonReplacer).esp
  16. CTHHostileNPCsSneakingAndOrWeaponDrawn-NSL.esp
  17. SS2Extended.esp
  18. SS2_XDI Patch.esm
As I stated in this post, I think Jake is set to stay at his workshop during this stage of the quest. When you go to one of the markers after the radio scene he will teleport to you, say his lines and start walking back toward Concord. I don't have much in my load order. It does the same thing disabling XDI and my patch.
  1. Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
  2. XDI.esm
  3. HUDFramework.esm
  4. WorkshopFramework.esm
  5. SS2.esm
  6. AdvSettleTurretSet.esp
  7. UncappedSettlementSurplus.esp
  8. EasyLockpicking.esp
  9. Key Brackets Fallout.esp
  10. MCMWeatherControl.esp
  11. Key Brackets Combined.esp
  12. RichMerchants.esp
  13. SandboxRadiusOverhaul2x.esp
  14. CROSS_Jetpack.esp
  15. TargetReconEyewear(NonReplacer).esp
  16. CTHHostileNPCsSneakingAndOrWeaponDrawn-NSL.esp
  17. SS2Extended.esp
  18. SS2_XDI Patch.esm
I had a clean run on my 1st time doing the quest. He actually acted as a follower. But if your telling me you have the same issue with that load order.... rip idk then
I had a clean run on my 1st time doing the quest. He actually acted as a follower. But if your telling me you have the same issue with that load order.... rip idk then
I have a save from just before that quest started. You want me to run it again? It might just be an engine glitch. I only ever made the one run with XDI disabled and that was on 1.0.0L. On 4 other playthroughs, Jake has never followed me after the radio scene. Once the "Aiden" scene starts, Jake teleports there and things continue like they should.
Tried on several playthroughs to do this. Each time I get to the final point, start the fight with the gunners, finish the fight, and the quest never proceeds past the "use the radio to find the gunners". Once I kill said gunners, Jake and Aiden just stand there. Might be a mod conflict.
afaik you only have to go to the settlement and can ignore the other 2 points. What seems to happen is multiple pods of gunners spawn, spread out, and agro things that aren't you...I also retried this quest several times before I finally tracked down all of the bastards and killed them. If the combat music is still playing that means there are still living gunners. Mine agro'd on the zimonja raiders and cleared them out, I found a couple gunners on the far side of zimonja (the opposite side from the quest settlement). Once the combat music stops Jake and Aiden should both automatically go back to the quest marker at the settlement. Aiden ran quite far(or maybe got stuck on terain) for me and took a bit to get back to the marker.
Mine agro'd on the zimonja raiders and cleared them out, I found a couple gunners on the far side of zimonja (the opposite side from the quest settlement).
This happened to be before this was fixed in v1.0.0L where the gunners now target Aiden. Kinda a bummer. It was awfully nice of the gunners to brave the fatman fire for me! ;)
@Tarkkh I just did a bare minimum load order run through Where There's Smoke. Jake does not leave the Hardware store until you meet Aiden.
He definitely says he will follow you:
You liar! All right Jake, GET OVER HERE! Go, go Gadget console magic!
Hey! What the F#$% do you mean it's lunch time?
No matter what he is determined to be in this location until you meet Aiden.
I would call this a bug.

all DLC
HUD Framework
Workshop Framework
I dumped all my mods, cleansaved, ran resaver and purged the orphans and ran the quest.
@Tarkkh I just did a bare minimum load order run through Where There's Smoke. Jake does not leave the Hardware store until you meet Aiden.
He definitely says he will follow you:
View attachment 10398
You liar! All right Jake, GET OVER HERE! Go, go Gadget console magic!
View attachment 10399
Hey! What the F#$% do you mean it's lunch time?
View attachment 10400
No matter what he is determined to be in this location until you meet Aiden.
I would call this a bug.

all DLC
HUD Framework
Workshop Framework
I dumped all my mods, cleansaved, ran resaver and purged the orphans and ran the quest.
yes its a small issue tho. he will appear at the locals and the quest will progress normaly!