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SS2 - Settlers at Play Suggestion Box


City Planner (S3)
Verified Builder
Hello SS2 Forums!

I am making this thread if you wanted to make a suggestion for a plot that I can incorporate in to Settlers at Play, whether that be a skin to an existing plot or a new plot all together.
Please Note: I am a novice modder, so I likely will not be able to do any real animation or serious mesh/material work outside of 1:1 swaps, so bear that in mind when you're recommending things.
If I do end up making a plot based on your suggestion, you'll get a little shoutout on the Nexus page for providing the inspiration (or maybe even named after your Sole Survivor or OC? Ohoho?)

Looking forward to your ideas!
Not a suggestion, but just a heads up that the last update is wanting to install as a separate installation of the mod, not as an update to an existing install.
