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Some good Mods for next Playthrough

Us city planners can move then so you should be good doing it too. I used to use Get Off My Build Zone but alas it's gone
Us city planners can move then so you should be good doing it too. I used to use Get Off My Build Zone but alas it's gone
I was able to download Get Off My Build Zone before it was gone. I found this post from the mod author on compatibility with 1.0.8. of WSFW: https://simsettlements.com/site/ind...and-more-attackers-get-off-my-buildzone.9529/

Does anyone know if this still applies to the current WSFW? It sounds like the only issue is a script fragment for a pop-up message in WSFW gets overriden. I'm guessing this isn't a big deal and that SS2 and WSFW will work fine otherwise? Thanks.
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I haven't posted in this thread in a bit, but here's another couple:

"Mutant Menagerie"
Adds a TON more wildlife/creature type enemies to the Commonwealth. Including lots of 'neutral' critters that don't attack you and mostly just run away. And new loot from most of them, including cooking recipes for the new meats. Might be a little... unbalanced in terms of difficulty, with it throwing Far Harbor enemies into the Commonwealth at fixed-spawn levels... still integrating nicely into my Survival actual-game, in which I literally just spent a day traveling from Sanctuary to Sunshine (get that magazine for sure) and back through the woods hunting beavers and racoons, came back with enough meat to keep the whole settlement fed for a long time.

And the big one this visit: "Weapon Overhauls"
Requires starting a new game to work, but completely guts and redoes pretty much all the vanilla weapons, obsoleting multiple other weapon mods in the process. And includes in-the-field ammo subtype switching eg shotguns can switch between Buckshot, Dragonsbreath, and like 5 different kinds of Slug.
Doesn't automatically play nice with other gun mods, but xEditing the right tags onto guns isn't that hard.
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I’ve been wondering about the Mutant Menagerie cause I’ve always liked having more animals but some of the creatures and monsters addons where not super lore friendly. And crazy safari 3.0 just swapped some of the spawns and messed with stuff like mantises and geckos.
An additional note on that "Mutant Menagerie" - the pelts from the various animals aren't just the [Leather] resource. I just got a high quality Radcoon pelt and it had 1 point of [Crystal] in it. That's a nice touch, going hunting's even more rewarding than I thought now.
Starting a new playthrough, the first time with SS2 that I am running survival.

Here's my mod list, heavily influenced/inspired by suggestions in this post; what am I forgetting/missing (that is compatible with SS2, of course!)? I want a fairly vanilla playthrough, I think, which is why I am going with ACO/Crafting Overhaul instead of AWCKR and UCO and etc., and have few weapons/armor mods.

I do plan to browse SS2 specific mods like new plot types and NPCs and whatnot. But I don't plan to use any city plans; I love SS2 (and SS1) but I never got into the whole city plan aspect...I just love using it to make my own settlements. But if you have any suggestions for those 'must have' mods as well, I have been out of touch for over half a year now (since January).
  • Unofficial Fallout Patch
  • Extended Dialogue Interface
  • Workshop Framework
  • Mod Configuration Menu
  • Settlement Menu Manager
  • Survival Options
  • Sim Settlements 2
  • Sim Settlements 2 - SS2 Workshop HUD Override
  • Sim Settlements 2 - SS2 Extended
  • SS2_XDI Patch
  • HUDFramework
  • FallUI - Inventory
  • DEF_UI IconLibs
  • Place Everywhere
  • Solar Panels
  • Armor and Clothing Overhaul
  • Crafting Framework
  • Anom's Sanctuary Hills Overhaul
  • Anom's Sanctuary Hills Overhaul - Sim Settlements 2 Patch
  • Roads Redone 2k
  • SKK Fast Start New Game
  • High FPS Physics Fix
  • Achievements Enabler
Also, I had both Anom's Sanctuary Hills Overhaul mod (with the SS2 patch), and Clean My Settlement installed, but no matter how I tweaked the load order I got all kinds of debris and rubble and ground clutter floating in the air about chest height. Once this was triggered, the only way to remove it was to start a new game (or, I suppose loading a previous save) without Clean My Settlement installed. So, not sure if this has anything to do with some other mod in my load order interacting with both of them, or what, but I am just running without Clean My Settlement.
Starting a new playthrough, the first time with SS2 that I am running survival.

Here's my mod list, heavily influenced/inspired by suggestions in this post; what am I forgetting/missing (that is compatible with SS2, of course!)? I want a fairly vanilla playthrough, I think, which is why I am going with ACO/Crafting Overhaul instead of AWCKR and UCO and etc., and have few weapons/armor mods.

I do plan to browse SS2 specific mods like new plot types and NPCs and whatnot. But I don't plan to use any city plans; I love SS2 (and SS1) but I never got into the whole city plan aspect...I just love using it to make my own settlements. But if you have any suggestions for those 'must have' mods as well, I have been out of touch for over half a year now (since January).
  • Unofficial Fallout Patch
  • Extended Dialogue Interface
  • Workshop Framework
  • Mod Configuration Menu
  • Settlement Menu Manager
  • Survival Options
  • Sim Settlements 2
  • Sim Settlements 2 - SS2 Workshop HUD Override
  • Sim Settlements 2 - SS2 Extended
  • SS2_XDI Patch
  • HUDFramework
  • FallUI - Inventory
  • DEF_UI IconLibs
  • Place Everywhere
  • Solar Panels
  • Armor and Clothing Overhaul
  • Crafting Framework
  • Anom's Sanctuary Hills Overhaul
  • Anom's Sanctuary Hills Overhaul - Sim Settlements 2 Patch
  • Roads Redone 2k
  • SKK Fast Start New Game
  • High FPS Physics Fix
  • Achievements Enabler
Also, I had both Anom's Sanctuary Hills Overhaul mod (with the SS2 patch), and Clean My Settlement installed, but no matter how I tweaked the load order I got all kinds of debris and rubble and ground clutter floating in the air about chest height. Once this was triggered, the only way to remove it was to start a new game (or, I suppose loading a previous save) without Clean My Settlement installed. So, not sure if this has anything to do with some other mod in my load order interacting with both of them, or what, but I am just running without Clean My Settlement.
Clean my settlement has a lot of references for the base game settlement stuff the two mods work to gather but you need to use all the clean my settlement options a few times to remove everything it scraps ( technically it isn’t deleting them it makes meshes or textures invisible for the settlement in question ) or you could remove all the sanctuary related stuff in fo4edit and call it a day.
Alright now that I've tested most of my recent mods in conjunction with SS2 Chapter 1, I need to mention: That "Mutant Menagerie" I mentioned up there does place a lot more Radstags around the place, as well as other creatures with that same "turns hostile when you get within about 10 feet" behaviour. Including placing some of those right where the Big Important Scene during "Where There's Smoke" takes place. Now it didn't break the cutscene, but Jake did move around a couple times, and Ada running around shouting OVER HERE and trying to Tesla-gun some turkeys made it tough to concentrate on the scene.
And then "Feral Nights by SKK" triggered exactly as I regained control when the fighting was about to start; they spawned back down the railway line where the majority of the enemies come in from. That was a nice bit of "emergent gameplay" distraction for me to Wattz Laser them in the heads.

Nothing gamebreaking, just something to keep in mind.