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Sim Settlements 2 AddOn Pack - Apocalyptic Additions by SirLach - Prelaunch Preview!

An interior plot is not 1x2. Not quite. It's more like 1x 1 and 3/4th.

As for the point, it's not necessarily to fit two in the same spot but to use less space than the full interior.

There are quite a few smaller rooms in sanctuary where I use them for that reason.
So basically its for letting part of the plot clip through a wall or other hindrance and not taking away from the plots design. Got it. Then why no LHS aligned ones?
And by the way that signature line is me too. I take and search EVERYTHING! I'll bet that 99% of my CTD and freezes are due to the fact i am a hoarder and don't offload enough.
So basically its for letting part of the plot clip through a wall or other hindrance and not taking away from the plots design. Got it. Then why no LHS aligned ones?
And by the way that signature line is me too. I take and search EVERYTHING! I'll bet that 99% of my CTD and freezes are due to the fact i am a hoarder and don't offload enough.

Having them on the right made sense, I'm guessing, because that's where the ASAMs were by default in SS1. Also having all of them on the same side probably made it easier for users as they could always expect the left side to be the unused one. But that's a guess. Hopefully SirLach will shed some light here soon.

And yeah, I feel you about the CTDs
Hi @dinelen_darkstar - Thankyou for taking the time to write a post asking for help.

The name 1x1 as my henchmen....I mean friend IR described it is a bit confusing I admit.

Exterior Plots come in 1x1, 2x2 and 3x3.

Interior plots are a bit different. They take up 1.5 standard wood floor tiles across so If you have 3 floor tiles across you could have 2 interior plots next to each other.

My interior plot are designed to fit 1 standard floor tile. So if you place a marker on a floor tile and the Top Right Hand Corner of the Marker lines up the the top Right Hand Corner of the floor tile then all of my Interior plot will fit comfortably on that 1 floor tile. The Marker itself will still occupy the .5 of space But the plot itself won't take up that space.

Way back before the dinosaurs when I was designing them they were meant to address the difficulty in putting plots inside houses (like in Sanctuary.)
So with a bit of careful juggling using place anywhere you could sneak 2 interior plots into a loungeroom space. Or one into some of those smaller rooms.

Does that make sense?
Need help with the 1x1 interiors. So they are still 2x1 but it seems they all say aligned to RHS. So how do i get 2 plots in the normal interior slot? And if they are all tied to the RHS how do i use two side by side in the same plot slot. Or am i missing something.I tried to face one, one direction and one the other but the second plot would never finish building. figured it was because they were stacked on top of each other and causing a conflict. this is the same issue i had with them in SS1. user error not understanding the use. I mean isn't the point of the small interior plots is to fit two in the space of 1?
You have some good observations in there - and the last question really defines it well.

Here is the short answer; No; the point of interior plots is NOT to fit two in the space of one.

Similar to what Irealys said - the benefit of the smaller plots is so that SINGLE plot can be placed in a smaller space.
Think about many of the small areas in settlements - the bedrooms in sanctuary, the cramped interior at starlight drive in, some of the corners in warwick or even cramped settlements where maybe the player can only build 1x1 shacks easily (graygarden, outpost z, etc.), or fit into tight houses (taffington, jamacia plain, etc.) etc.

So, your thoughts on "hey, the way I thought this should work, is not working well..." was spot on - now hopefully they will make more sense and are easier to use.
Hi @dinelen_darkstar - Thankyou for taking the time to write a post asking for help.

The name 1x1 as my henchmen....I mean friend IR described it is a bit confusing I admit.

Exterior Plots come in 1x1, 2x2 and 3x3.

Interior plots are a bit different. They take up 1.5 standard wood floor tiles across so If you have 3 floor tiles across you could have 2 interior plots next to each other.

My interior plot are designed to fit 1 standard floor tile. So if you place a marker on a floor tile and the Top Right Hand Corner of the Marker lines up the the top Right Hand Corner of the floor tile then all of my Interior plot will fit comfortably on that 1 floor tile. The Marker itself will still occupy the .5 of space But the plot itself won't take up that space.

Way back before the dinosaurs when I was designing them they were meant to address the difficulty in putting plots inside houses (like in Sanctuary.)
So with a bit of careful juggling using place anywhere you could sneak 2 interior plots into a loungeroom space. Or one into some of those smaller rooms.

Does that make sense?
Thanks much for the reply. This always confused me in 1 and I never used them as much as i wanted unless they appeared in a city plan. now with 2 I am finding myself really needing to cram people into small spaces since all settlements extended is a no go with city plans. I will work with these more now cause i really love the themes of so many of them. i really need to find more militerized style minutemen stuff. Your mod at least had some minuteman themed plots. Any plans to do LHS aligned stuff now that the ASAM placement has changed?
You have some good observations in there - and the last question really defines it well.

Here is the short answer; No; the point of interior plots is NOT to fit two in the space of one.

Similar to what Irealys said - the benefit of the smaller plots is so that SINGLE plot can be placed in a smaller space.
Think about many of the small areas in settlements - the bedrooms in sanctuary, the cramped interior at starlight drive in, some of the corners in warwick or even cramped settlements where maybe the player can only build 1x1 shacks easily (graygarden, outpost z, etc.), or fit into tight houses (taffington, jamacia plain, etc.) etc.

So, your thoughts on "hey, the way I thought this should work, is not working well..." was spot on - now hopefully they will make more sense and are easier to use.
One clarification, i wasn't thinking all interior plots needed to fit 2 in 1 but i was looking at the small plots like these as a way to fit 2 in 1. I get the need to get people in the small spaces and that is what I was hoping for by using these. One of the best additions to 2 is multi-person homes. Now a small maybe 4 person bunk room interior would be awesome but hey I love just getting a 2 person plot. Now that I understand the design of the plots in this mod I understand the usage better. Thank you very much for the reply and the assistance.
@Sirlach I mean Sim settlements is the greatest thing to happen to fallout since well fallout. The amazing work you all do has saved this game for me and i have been playing fallout since the very start. Please keep making cool content and i will keep comsuming it. Great work and thanks again for the reply.
@Sirlach I mean Sim settlements is the greatest thing to happen to fallout since well fallout. The amazing work you all do has saved this game for me and i have been playing fallout since the very start. Please keep making cool content and i will keep comsuming it. Great work and thanks again for the reply.
Comments like this inspire me to keep going. Stay Tuned!
Heh, well, it's true. Actually, for me, as soon as I play something else like TD2, Skyrim, ES, ... you name it: There is always that moment when I want to start up a settlement blueprint and am just feeling the void. And then I go back to FO4 and SS. :D

I love you guys for building this and turning good old fo4 into the coolest computergame there is. At least for my taste and probably some of those other millions of downloads.
Here, here, don’t take my nitpicking or complaining as a slight to the hard work you or your fellow SS MOD makers. It’s the opposite for me. If I didn’t like and truly enjoy your work I wouldn’t post a thing on anyone’s efforts. I’m trying to help in my small ways in keeping them relevant and enjoyable.

The interior plots are all I want to use in Vault 88. My ideal Vault is both a cobbled together, repurposed and direct use of Vault-Tec and other things. The more I have to work with the better.

These kinds of plots are essential in keeping my build footprints down in size. So please, please keep up the wonderful work. SS and the MODs for it have kept me playing this game and almost exclusively this game for years.