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RoTC Scrap and Supply Lines


New Member
I know that the donation system allows you to decide what scrap to provide for accelerating a city upgrade and I also know that over time settlers will take scrap from the workbench for the city build.

In an effort to disseminate more clearly how the scrap provisioning works, I have two queries.

1) If I ignore the donation system and instead continue to dump all scrap into a settlement's workbench, will the city upgrade be accelerated akin to the donation system considering scrap is also taken from a workshop for city building?

2) Does RoTC pull scrap components from other workbenches via supply lines like building any workshop item does?

I'm trying to figure out if there is a way to streamline the donation system and contribute to a communal pool of resources all RoTC settlements can pull from. Think of a particular settlement as the ultimate 'builders providers' depot.
First off, apologies no one saw this message - we've since added an Unanswered Thread tracker to make it less likely questions go unanswered.

1. Yes, you can just dump stuff in the workshop to meet the scrap needs.

2. No. Though that might become an option in the future.