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Recreational vs Commercial


Active Member
The more I play the more I find myself switching the commercial plots in settlements to recreation plots.

Am I missing something here or are the commercial simply inferior to recreational plots? They get taxed the same and they offer a shop, but the game doesn't really has a scarcity of caps or shops and the happiness bonus is too good to not have. Imo, maybe the tax should be lowered to normal for recreational plots, right now I find no reason to build them and usually go for recreational, especially in RotC cities where I want 90 happines
All this is true. But you can't buy bullets at the Altairp's shooting range. Also, your own private doctors are nice, especially if you are playing on survival. Plus, all the commercial plots look really cool.

But, if happiness is the measure, recreation plots will always be superior. Level 3 commercial gives at most what 40-45 happiness (Bar) and is gated behind having a certain population. You can get a Rec plot to level 3 and +75 happiness in a settlement with a much smaller pop.

But they look really cool. You can't min/max flair. And when you finally bump into Smiling Larry you'll wish you had a shop ready. Of course, if you do have a shop ready, you'll never find Smiling Larry.