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Question Odd crash at Red Rocket mole rat cave


New Member
I'm using the separate SS mods with Conqueror and some Conq faction mods and when I start the game I will let Conqueror set up fully then go through the intro. I then go meet with Codsworth and do his first quest then meet up with Dogmeat. I'll then go clear out the Mole Rat Cave. The problem is, it will crash the game when I try to exit the cave. This also happens with the Concord sewers. After taking only Conqueror and faction mods out of my mod list it works normally again.

So I don't know what's going on here but it seems to have something to do with mole rats in interiors. Has anyone else had this happen?
Ok, so some new information....

I loaded up today cleared the molerat den and was on way back to Sanctuary when the game crashed.
Reloaded the game went back into the molerat den killed the first two then froze.
The next five to seven games I crashed at the corpse by the Sanctuary bridge.
Apparently my game has suddenly decided it will not run with weapon debris anymore despite put a couple hundred hours into the game last month with it on.

I get past the Sanctuary crash point look at Abernathy (since I was suspecting that in the crash) then exited the game and forced it to repeat the earlier crash. Swapped the fix back in and walked into the molerat den and immediate crash on the first two molerats.
Reloaded and got the crash as they burst through the ground a second time.

So I am thinking something happens during the Red Rocket clear that causes the issue inside the Molerat Den.
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Trying to figure out why I can not have the issue twice, then suddenly get it every time (with all the crashing.) So I rebooted my PC and made another attempt to maybe make it go away.
The CPL Eyebot helped me this time, but it still froze with the first two molerats inside the den.

The only real difference between the first two times the molerats emerged fine and all the crashes is weapon debris. It was on ultra for the first two attempts, and now it is off.

So I made an attempt to run with weapon debris set to medium and I did not even make it to the bridge.
Did complete uninstall and deleted all folders in Steam and My Documents then reinstalled without the HD Textures. Then reinstalled every mod in Vortex then an hour of downloading CC Content (need to remember to copy those files.) Everything was fine this time.

Maybe the breaking through the ground has some funky weapon debris effect?
Just going to update this post. I started a new game recently and hit the mole rat bug again.
I went over to AFKmods to see if there had been any progress made on the thread over there that discusses the issue and someone posted up a link to this mod on nexusmods; https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12997

Out of ideas, I took a look at the mod, it's quite old, but perhaps it does what it's meant to do and doesn't need any further updates? Anyway, I installed it, started a new game with the previous load order plus this mod, and so far - no reoccurence.
Not exactly scientific here, I know, but I figured, share the knowledge here, because i know several people have posted about it, and who knows if they see this, and download/install the mod and have the same success - it may be something that the more knowledgeable than me could take a look at and see what they can come up with.

Anyway, that's my update - fingers crossed it works for someone else.
I have started a half dozen games since the last time it occurred.

The only thing I do differently is I no longer use the DLC Texture pack and I had to turn Weapon Debris off.
I @#$%ing jinxed myself. I got the infinite load screen exiting the Molerat Den in the new game I started today.

Just curious. what tree and grass mods do you have installed?

did you use any prebuilts?

Anyway, that's my update - fingers crossed it works for someone else.
You are my @#$%ing hero, lol.

So I had the infinite load screen exiting Molerat Den.
After the first time I did a wait save at Red Rocket (Survival Options saves me again.)

I could walk into the cave and out of the cave immediately and no problem at all.
If I walked in and killed the four molerats I would get the infinite load screen exiting.

So I went and grabbed the mod installed it went in killed the four and was allowed to exit.

So finally after losing dozens of hours due to this bug there is finally a solution.
Just curious. what tree and grass mods do you have installed?

did you use any prebuilts?
I avoid grass mods like the plague. While highly detailed grass can look cool, it sucks shit through a silly straw on your GPU or trying to find a corpse.

did you use any prebuilts?
I have encountered this bug numerous times (I start a lot of new games.) I have had it with and without prebuilt settlements. This current time was with a prebuilt Abernathy, nothing in Sanctuary or Red Rocket.
I avoid grass mods like the plague. While highly detailed grass can look cool, it sucks shit through a silly straw on your GPU or trying to find a corpse.

I have encountered this bug numerous times (I start a lot of new games.) I have had it with and without prebuilt settlements. This current time was with a prebuilt Abernathy, nothing in Sanctuary or Red Rocket.

Which version are you using of https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12997

The molerat, radScorpions, or the one that does both?

I am sure I will run into this again at some point? :umnik2

It is sure good news to have two reliable users confirm that this works for them. :this
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Okay... odd duck out of this conversation... phhhttt… never had this issue...

Having said that, I have used this mod for quite some time...


Korax Changes... option in holotape to turnoff molerat/radscorpion burrowing after they come up.... not sure if it is quite the same thing...

But even before modding, I never ran across this issue... :(

But even before modding, I never ran across this issue... :(
It is one of them random bugs. It is literally one of them things that you wanna test your new game right away because before a fix was found you had to throw it away. Simply because any molerat interior, and bloodworms in Nukaworld would screw you.

Honestly, I think its a script glitch or something and it spams scripting so it never ends or some @#$% and then it just wont let you exit.
I don't know... sounds like a few of you have a personal issue with molerats …. or deodorant :)

sorry, I can't join this party... but thought I would throw out Korax changes... has lots of other options too... I primarily use it to get bottle return and kill cam... I used it a few times not burrowing... but in survival, it is okay so I can take a break! haha

I don't know... sounds like a few of you have a personal issue with molerats …. or deodorant :)

sorry, I can't join this party... but thought I would throw out Korax changes... has lots of other options too... I primarily use it to get bottle return and kill cam... I used it a few times not burrowing... but in survival, it is okay so I can take a break! haha


Oh, I am super happy you brought up "Korax" his
Highlighting Enemy and Corpses (aka HUD) was an exceptionally good mod that no one has correctly copied some of its features. Still, it is in need of an update.

Tonight you gave me hope. After being AWOL for a long while I saw this.

I'm really happy that you got to continue on with your game after applying the mod. One of the reasons I brought it up here was to see if those with way more insight into the game engine than me, could take a look at, and see if some part of what it does could be added into simsettlements, somewhere along the line?
Just going to update this post. I started a new game recently and hit the mole rat bug again.
I went over to AFKmods to see if there had been any progress made on the thread over there that discusses the issue and someone posted up a link to this mod on nexusmods; https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12997

Out of ideas, I took a look at the mod, it's quite old, but perhaps it does what it's meant to do and doesn't need any further updates? Anyway, I installed it, started a new game with the previous load order plus this mod, and so far - no reoccurence.
Not exactly scientific here, I know, but I figured, share the knowledge here, because i know several people have posted about it, and who knows if they see this, and download/install the mod and have the same success - it may be something that the more knowledgeable than me could take a look at and see what they can come up with.

Anyway, that's my update - fingers crossed it works for someone else.

Can confirm that mod just fixed the mole rat bug for me. I just got it while finishing the Children Ug-Qualtoth quest.
I couldn't leave the cell at the end - infinite loading screen - Installed that mod and was able to exit normally.
Great find man, thanks!
I was actually looking for an answer to a different question when I stumbled across this thread.
I can confirm through two playthroughs so far that this type of mod does seem to work - the molerat den doesn't bother me too much, but this bug completely screws Vault 81 (Hole in the Wall) and no more Curie.

I use https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/41311, which works for me. I found it via another forum somewhere after a LOT of reading on the subject. I think it pretty much does the same thing as the ones you guys mentioned above anyway. Mole rats still burst out of the ground, but then they just run toward you to attack. Basically, any mod which stops tunneling seems to work.
I just enable the mod for Vault 81, and then disable it after to resume normal activity (scorpions etc).
I haven't tried it anywhere else.
Cheers for that. I'm interested in Buffout 4 but I don't have any knowledge of the Fallout 4 engine. I read the "what it actually does" link but that seems to be more aimed at people who mod themselves. "Fixing engine issues" seems to be the gist of it, should I install it on your recommendation to see how effective it is?

Going OT a little bit:
I read someone who posted something the other night about how you get a feel for how your current game is going to run by about level 20 or so, and how random it can sometimes be. I know exactly how that plays out, some games I feel like I'm playing underwater, and others don't - with no changes to my mod load. I'll often do the same thing - I'll just start again rather than push a buggy load. So I have been casually looking for things that might help with that.

I'll get Curie the hard way, hook or by crook. :P