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No Auto Assign not working


New Member
so I have disabled all kinds of automatic assignment in SS2, i have done it both ways in workshop framework and in the SS2 holotape and MCM settings, but when I move settlers to my main settlement they automatically start building their house and choose a job that doesn't suit them. hopefully there is already a fix for this but this is getting a bit frustrating so I want to find the fix before i mass unassing everyone and place them on their proper jobs and homes
I've ran in to this as well. Auto assign is turned off in both WSFW and SS2. For example, after completing It Came from Planet X and sending the Powells to a settlement, they automatically assigned themselves.
I've ran in to this as well. Auto assign is turned off in both WSFW and SS2. For example, after completing It Came from Planet X and sending the Powells to a settlement, they automatically assigned themselves.
yea, so I'm trying to find what settings i should have to make this work, I've always like the full micromanage kind of deal so i want to get in there as much as possible even with plots xD so if you have any kind of fixes let me know!
This has been driving me nuts for about a year now myself.
It seems that as part of the 'reassigned to count as living at a different settlement' code, they automatically take assignments for homes/jobs/etc too. If there's any way to ACTUALLY turn that off, I've not yet found it.
Only "workaround" I've managed to find is to not pre-emptively build anything unless I know who the next person to be joining will be, which even that isn't exactly 100% reliable.