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Primary Bug Report Let Sleeping Dogs Lie - Cola is not interactable and quest stage cannot be completed.


New Member
Super impressed with what I've seen of the mod so far.

I'm stuck on "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie": I've killed the three raiders and looted the key of Amos' body, but the dog inside the shed does not respond in any way when I activate the "talk" option.

Some lower priority stuff:

- The robco voice from the ASAM sensors didn't play for me at all. I got subtitles but no audio.

- Old Paul has a line where he says something like "peak my curiosity": this should probably be "pique". Similarly, sometime early on someone says "Not to shabby": this should be "too". Just a matter of fixing the subtitle text.

- The apostrophes in Jake's terminal in concord appear as ugly rectangles: not sure if all apostrophes appear that way in the game and I just never notices, or if Bethesda used different apostrophes, or if Bethesda just never uses apostrophes in terminals.
Guys, please look for these questions before posting another thread about the same thing as this has 5-10 threads about it already.

You can use console commands to get around it:
SetStage SS2_Sirick_OP01_Cola 60
SetStage SS2_Sirick_OP01_Cola 65

As a side quest though, it's lower priority to fix than the main questline (AFAIK anyway) so an official fix may take a little while.
Problem is once Ive accept the quest, Old Paul follows my character around like a bad smell and will not leave me alone...or shut up. He's giving me a headache.The quest is marked as complete, but he still follows me around, and can't get him to go away, even though I've given him food at least 10 times

Edit: Even if I refuse to take the quest. Paul still follows my character around as if he's a companion. Meaning unless I want incessant babbling about the Commonwealth, about how the settlement could be made into something etc, I can never go back. There's another settler I have a quest for, yet he doesn't follow me, just complains that I haven't done the quest yet. Which is better than have some old coot incessantly nagging me for dog food,
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Let sleeping dogs lie-

Cant talk to the Dog or interact with it. It might be due to the fact that when the door opens it is pushed off its marker. Going to reload and try again.

Edit: Nope the dog is not on the marker the whimpering continues, setstage SS2_Sirick_OP01_Cola 60 gets me to help dog, but again can not interact with it-

The whimpering is still coming from the marker not the dog who is off to the left.

setstage SS2_Sirick_OP01_Cola 80 Got the dog return to Paul.

Complete after talking to Paul.
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Do you have the latest update? I did this quest today with the update and it worked perfectly.
So, I know this particular issue was addressed in a hotfix, but I have the hotfix and I don't actually see anything where the marker is. There is also a Ketaros Treasure item in this shack, so I am trying to find the location within the mod (using FO4 edit) so that I can move the changes from SS2 over to Ketaros Treasures. In the meantime, if anyone can point me to the right global location I would be very grateful.
I mean the proper worldspace location.

Found it using the mod DisplayCellFormID DD65

Well, that helped me find the dog - he was behind the door. The changes I was able to move over just allowed me to disable the front of the shack so that I could then actually see said puppy. This, of course, is not a fix. What I really need to do is see if Ketaros is the thing that really caused this problem or not, but that would probably require me to start a new game without the mod. I'll try just uninstalling the mod and going back to the save before the quest just for a test (not continuing that way because I don't want to uninstall an esp mid play-through if I can help it.

Well, I still can't get the dog to follow me. Still working on the issue. I can see the dog, interact with the dog, tell the dog to follow, but not acutally get the dog to follow me. I went to dismiss dogmeat, just in case there was a conflict with Everyone's Best Friend (see my other post). Not sure if that is the culprit as I have to fiddle with my dialog/strings mod to see if there is a conflict with recruitment. Just adding this here as I'm going through things.
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Well - I resolved the problem. I had downloaded and installed the newest version of Sim Settlements 2 today (which was shown in my mod manager as having downloaded it this morning) but I was still not at the current version. I went back to check the version, and although I had installed it today, it was saying Version C. I deleted it and redownloaded it and re-installed it and now it says Version E. I was able to truly interact with the dog (I didn't realize that I hadn't been, since I could talk to the dog - but there was more to it than that) and now the quest has progressed. Ketaros was not to blame, and I didn't have to move the difference over from Sim Settlements 2 to Ketaros to make this work.