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Jake Romance Issue


Are the steps to romancing Jake listed anywhere? If I recall, after Resurgence is when you're supposed to have your next big conversation with him, right after the Vertibird fight, but I'm not getting any sort of dialogue option for it. This is my second time going through this since my first save glitched somewhere further past all this, but I can't think of what I could have missed.

I went so far as to go back to a save at the end of Chapter 2 to make sure Jake has the dialogue about how he wants to shelve the dating talk until this gunner business is over, then ran through the main quests to after Resurgence a third time, but I'm not getting the romance option. I'm trying to see if I went wrong somewhere or if somehow I've got a mod conflicting with it. I wouldn't think that would be the case since I actually cleaned up my load order and got rid of a few mods before this new playthrough, but I can't think of what else it could be.
Are the steps to romancing Jake listed anywhere? If I recall, after Resurgence is when you're supposed to have your next big conversation with him, right after the Vertibird fight, but I'm not getting any sort of dialogue option for it. This is my second time going through this since my first save glitched somewhere further past all this, but I can't think of what I could have missed.

I went so far as to go back to a save at the end of Chapter 2 to make sure Jake has the dialogue about how he wants to shelve the dating talk until this gunner business is over, then ran through the main quests to after Resurgence a third time, but I'm not getting the romance option. I'm trying to see if I went wrong somewhere or if somehow I've got a mod conflicting with it. I wouldn't think that would be the case since I actually cleaned up my load order and got rid of a few mods before this new playthrough, but I can't think of what else it could be.
Hey, same issue. Did you fix it?
I didn't even have it installed... That M8R's complex sorter thing. So, i guess, Your solution won't help. Oh :(
If someone else writes in this thread with a solution, it will be great, but for now I'm stuck in this quest.
Stuck as in can't progress, or don't want to without Jake's love? I guess it's the same...
(sorry that I'm not helpful but no idea unless you missed an earlier trigger.. Like after claiming GNN or saving him in Runners and Gunners..)
(I guess it could be a different sorter mod?)
Stuck as in can't progress, or don't want to without Jake's love? I guess it's the same...
(sorry that I'm not helpful but no idea unless you missed an earlier trigger.. Like after claiming GNN or saving him in Runners and Gunners..)
(I guess it could be a different sorter mod?)
HAH YES I want to romance that sweet boy... But yes, the Problem is i don't get any dialogue with him. Just like... Department report, advice, leave and his thoughts and all that common stuff that you get when come into HQ. No special after coma dialogue. Its like missing voice file??? I dont know, I have 3.0.1 version now, and it should be fixed in it, but for me its Just not works.
Sorry, english is not my native language, I hope you understand what I mean.
And, I dont have any sorter mod, Just Nexus Mod Organizer. And also, before Resurgence, i got all speach cheks about romance with him succesfully so i MUST have romance option in Resurgence. No cheats with City Manager holotape, all manually
HAH YES I want to romance that sweet boy... But yes, the Problem is i don't get any dialogue with him. Just like... Department report, advice, leave and his thoughts and all that common stuff that you get when come into HQ. No special after coma dialogue. Its like missing voice file??? I dont know, I have 3.0.1 version now, and it should be fixed in it, but for me its Just not works.
Sorry, english is not my native language, I hope you understand what I mean.
And, I dont have any sorter mod, Just Nexus Mod Organizer. And also, before Resurgence, i got all speach cheks about romance with him succesfully so i MUST have romance option in Resurgence. No cheats with City Manager holotape, all manually
You did get the scene where he's by your bed after coma, right? Where he tells you about his feelings? Cause that's all there is.
Yes, that scene. What's more, he jumps up in his chair and turns to me, as he should be, but he doesn't say anything. There are no subtitles, no answer options, no voice. I can press E and start a normal dialogue with him or press R for medical stuff, but that's all.
Maybe I can somehow check if I have a file of his voice? I'm not sure, I don't make mods for games and I don't know all the details of how it's supposed to work. Oh, and also - i tried getstage ss2c3_mq29 and it showed me stage 620. Then i tried setstage 690, or ummmmm... Next stage of that quest. Dont remember well. Jake say something about things that have chandeg and about meeting with department heads, gets up, so my guess - quest works fine, that's only dialogue right after coma that doesn't work.
Also tried resurrect and recycleactor in him. Nope, still doesn't work.