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It’s Redeye here, running Raider Radio. You love it, and you know it. Completed.


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It’s Redeye here, running Raider Radio. You love it, and you know it.

Listen up and listen well. I am going to tell you a story, a story about the Overboss. Yeah, I know, you all think that they are a badass, but this story is new, so shut up and listen.

So, we all know of those assholes the minutemen and how they have a castle, yeah, a freaking castle. You do not want to be there I kid you not. So, as a bet, a goddam bet. The Overboss, yeah, the Overboss by themselves took the Castle. Yep, just walked right up and took it. The news of the Overboss is spreading boys and girls we, have, a badass leading us, but we already knew that. Hands down on a drunken bet the Overboss took the castle from the asshole minutemen and is now making it a home away from home.

I also hear that a raider by the name of Jammer, some punk from the wealth has teamed up with the Overboss this is going to be big people.

When I know, you will know, now for some music.

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Wait what is this doing here, Hey get the asshole over here that the boss commissioned to take the pictures. *noise of someone yelling and some running noises*. What is this? points to the bathroom.
Um, it is a bathroom by the looks of it. Yeah, I can see that why did you post a picture of it in the advertisement. Um, I was asked too. *noise of a gun being loaded and cocked* who told you too. Um, the boss. Oh, carry on then.
*noise of someone being untied while a muffled conversation goes on* what is the boss thinking, I mean yeah we have to shower and all that but why would you advertise that we have a working bathroom.

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mmm yeah it will have to make use of many many plots but I have an idea and I want to see how it works out.

So I have built the walls and they are fine, mmmm the build limit on this one is not as big as I would like.
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Love that gate design and the alternative breach fillers, off to a great start.
Yeah I am going to be going for a very mad max feel.
ok I am looking for some help here. Is there any way with console commands to make the radio tower play maybe diamond city music or better yet raider radio.
WIP, so much more to go. It is harder then you would think to be messy on purpose while staying in the build limit.

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You can switch it off though. There's a toggle switch where the radio operator sits that will turn off the loud speakers. You could also remove the power connection to the radio.
I have it off I was just thinking maybe I could change it Alas that will have to be up to the player I can only make it ready for raiders.
more WIP
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I have left one area empty on the battlements so you can put some artillery. I am now done with most of the outside, one area to finish, then it is time to make inside crazy and then mess about with the interior courtyard more . Come on build limit do not hold me back now.
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There are some 2x2 Martial plots that count as MM Artillery if you'd like to use them. In fact, I think they are generic (included in base SS rather than an add on)
There are some 2x2 Martial plots that count as MM Artillery if you'd like to use them. In fact, I think they are generic (included in base SS rather than an add on)
you are correct I will build that.

EDIT, it is now a brahman pen.
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on the final stretch now WIP
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yes I know the bathroom is all clean... yes it is on purpose lol
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Oh, come on Bethesda an update midweek. I was on a roll. Ah well.
I am worried as I am not really using all that much of the build area outside of the castle walls that I am not adhering to the build specs. I am open to suggestions to what I can do with the outside.