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Fixed Huge Input Lag after 3.03


Active Member
I've got 7 cities going and I don't know if it is 3.03 or the number of cities but I hit a big lag input wall today. It would take 30 seconds or longer to get any menu to pop up, and I finally crashed it by donating a bunch of junk to Abarnathi to get it to 100%. Which, I've read not to do, so that was my fault. I have a very high end system. My read is there's just a lot going on with the script.

The lag was consistent from Sanctuary to Red Rocket to Abernathy. I play on Survival so Fast Travel is disabled. I first noticed it in Starlight DriveIn when I tried to upgrade the plot. I do not have Starlight DriveIn auto-managed by a Companion. Since the menu to upgrade did not come up, I left to head to Abarnathy. The menu popped up a few seconds out of the build zone and went wonky, but the GUI went away without a problem when I selected cancel.

Weapon Bench, Worshop, and such were not affected. Just SS GUI menus.
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Having a similar problem. SS menus are super laggy. I had the same thing happen when I tried the new scrap thing with the gavel. I only have 2 cities on autobuild atm, but I do have a fairly heavy mod order (Horizon and such).
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have you both applied the papyrus resource updates from the wiki? that definitely relieves a lot of the pressure.

I'll give that a go and report back. Thank you.
SS GUI lag is still there. I've turned off City Supply Costs and Maintenance Costs in the Difficulty menu and set all basic plots to auto-upgrade to mitigate the crashing, which still only happens if I donate too many items.

ASAM or City Planner Desk GUIs are still lagging badly by at least 60 seconds to a couple of minutes. The only other major thing I did in game yesterday was go to Far Harbor, grabbed Longfelllow, and then sent him to Oberland to automate that settlement.
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Started 3.0.3 fresh and I can confirm lag even opening the plot plaque in a new settlement with less then 10 plots in it.
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Started a new game, only have 2 plots in my entire game - a farm and a martial plot in Tenpines. It took 10 minutes for the HUD to register the food after the farm had been built.
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Yup same here. the module that usually appears on the pole took several minutes to show up in my game.

heres some really shitty footage i grabbed from a gif creating software showing it in action.
I'm also experiencing this issue with the latest mod files and the Papyrus tweaks. Mine isn't as pronounced, only a ten to fifteen second delay, but it's definitely there. When I open the menu to select the plot design, the designs populate the list very slowly as well.
Update for 3.0.3b is up now. It's a direct bugfix for a fairly icky settlement maintenance bug but since that one was an infinite loop, I would update to 3.0.3b and then load into it a save created prior to when you installed 3.03
On PC, you can kill the script causing this lag - on Xbox, you'll definitely want to roll back.

1. Download and install Fallrim Tools
2. Open Resaver.exe, load your latest save file.
3. Expand ActiveScripts, search for any entries of "SimSettlements:SimSettlementParent"
4. Expand each of those and look for "SetupCurrentMaintenanceCosts", if you find it, right click on the folder icon above it and choose terminate.
5. Click File->Save
6. Install 3.0.3b of Sim Settlements if you haven't already and load your save.
I'm going to remove most of other mods and start over, just to be sure. But I'll keep those instructions handy if I get that GUI lag again.

Thank you for the response.
If you're starting over with 3.0.3b, it shouldn't be an issue anymore. There was a mistake in the original 3.0.3 patch code that caused Sim Settlements to lock itself up, it's fixed in 3.0.3b.
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ok, great. I will try it out. I already rolled back to 3.0.2 and used the save right before I installed 3.0.3. Good thing I always make a save before I install any new mods or update any existing ones.
ok, great. I will try it out. I already rolled back to 3.0.2 and used the save right before I installed 3.0.3. Good thing I always make a save before I install any new mods or update any existing ones.
That's a really good habit - everyone should do this!
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Can confirm, update 3.0.3b resolved the lag issue. What ever you did also resolved another issue I was having. Great work.
The only way to resolve the issue of 3.0.3/3.0.3a is to use Resaver on that save file. 3.0.3b just prevents it from ever happening again.

Unfortunately, Bethesda hasn't given us the tools to stop runaway scripts - so Resaver or rolling back the save are the only options.
303b and some resaver fiddling seems to have resolve my script lag issues.

Also, I'm new to this mod, and fallout 4 modding in general, but this is awesome.