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Not a bug Gunner Outbreak Concerns


New Member
From what I saw in the trailer, it seems like the Gunners are just going to up and takeover my settlements, without even an option to fend them off.

Is that the case? I want to continue this mod but I don't want to lose my hard work on my settlements.
All I'll say is this; the initial trailer for Chapter 1 made it look like Sanctuary would already be built up before you even leave Vault 111 for the first time, and that was clearly not the case.
All I'll say is this; the initial trailer for Chapter 1 made it look like Sanctuary would already be built up before you even leave Vault 111 for the first time, and that was clearly not the case.
A simple yes or no will do, please. I don't want to continue with something if it, ultimately, leads to me having to remove to mod and restart my current playthough.
And the full 1/3 of the trailer devoted to showing you finding allies and building a small army?
Isn't much for me if I have to lose all my stuff in Sanctuary. Is there at least an option tell Captain Wes to fuck off? With bullets, preferably?

You know, beat them back if the defenses are strong enough before their arrival (even if you can't kill the guy in charge, I'd at least prefer to not lose a place I worked hard on, thank you very much)?
No one has any idea how chapter 2 is going to play out. Instead of assuming the worst, maybe wait and see what it has in store for us? Getting all worked up about losing this or that isn't doing you any favours... If I were the SS I wouldn't be pleased about Wes showing up to upend all my efforts so far, but I have a sneaky suspicion that there will be a way to foil his dastardly plans, and it's precisely that which I'm looking forward to...
If I recall correctly, at the end of chapter 1, we are told to build up our settlement network, as
"you're going to need them"
Now that the Ch. 2 trailer has been released it does lend credence to that final suggestion
Well, that's what the trailer implied.
The trailer also implies, we fight back. With our allies. Personally I'm curious if chapter 2 offers the possibility Outcasts and Remnants offers. To broker peace between the different factions. I liked that approach, but haven't got the mod installed right now, because of SS2 concerns and compatibility.
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The trailer also implies, we fight back. With our allies. Personally I'm curious if chapter 2 offers the possibility Outcasts and Remnants offers. To broker peace between the different factions. I liked that approach, but haven't got the mod installed right now, because of SS2 concerns and compatibility.
I would expect, at best, a brief dialog scene with [Faction Leader] using repurposed vanilla dialog. As you mentioned there, compatibility is a concern, and even so much as touching major NPCs like those could break lord knows how many other mods.
My hope is when the Gunners take over my Sanctuary Preston will be there and piss them off same as me with his endless im to busy doing nothing go and help some settlement on the other side of the Map.I bet after 1 Week the Gunners give me Sanctuary back and will never be seen again
Yes please I will give them Preston if that’s an option , imagine a group of gunners running around clearing settlements fightings raiders and mutants while Preston stands in the same spot never showing any gratitude would be awesome. Or you know they could kill him I’d be cool with that to.
I can't make it much clearer. If you can't play something without someone telling you ahead of time 100% of the things that will happen, I don't know what else I can do.
I'm probably worried because I made Sanctuary my home base and keep all my stuff there, ESPECIALLY since I built up the defenses of my version so thoroughly. The idea of the Gunners just waltzing in and taking over just leaves a bad taste in my mouth, even if the intention is to take it back. It would be one thing if there was an option to tell Wes and his thugs to back off and they did if you are prepared enough, but the trailer suggests otherwise.
I'm probably worried because I made Sanctuary my home base and keep all my stuff there, ESPECIALLY since I built up the defenses of my version so thoroughly. The idea of the Gunners just waltzing in and taking over just leaves a bad taste in my mouth, even if the intention is to take it back. It would be one thing if there was an option to tell Wes and his thugs to back off and they did if you are prepared enough, but the trailer suggests otherwise.
The trailer didn't show everything, and didn't show ANY actual mechanics - just like the ones for Chapter 1 didn't (did you think plots instantly went from unbuilt to level 3 with zero cost so fast it occured between frames of animation, because the chapter 1 trailers made it look like that?). There is more to how it'll actually work than what is shown.
Know this much: if the mod's goal is to improve every aspect of the settlements system, the only part still remaining untouched is the 'attacks' subsystem - the vanilla version is too simple, and has next to no consequence for failure to adequately defend your villages.
And for obvious reasons, a significant change to something like that would merit being part of the story...