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Following Tutorial for Add on mod making and this happens..

Na, no killing. Go look in the history of the Sim Settlements discord channel new modder. All my mistakes are right there with others pointing out what I messed up lol. Glad you found it!
I felt like such a moron, I literally followed the pdf tutorial three times and by the third I was like, how stupid am I that I can't follow this perfectly laid out plan lmao. By the time I finished the video one I was adamant It was not my modding skills lmao.
For future info, when doing final testing before publishing, be sure and change bInvalidateOlderFiles in Fallout4Custom file to a 0. That way if the archive is messed up, named wrong, or anything, you will catch it. Otherwise the game will use the loose files from the ck and you will never see the problem in the archive.

Edit Add: if you set it to 1 before for other mods.
Like Maturin said, lots of new stuff, mistakes are going to happen. Don't feel bad.
lol least you didn't break CK like I did
Kinggath was kind enough to tell me what idid wrong without calling me an idiot :) eventhough I felt like one :wacko
Well lets see if 6 hours sleep is enough to refresh me to get started again today. I'm super excited about using Sim Settlements as a foundation to add ideas I have to the game :).
Random update, I officially have a building in the game that has multiple levels and stages, and it's so cool being able to see that. @kinggath the fact that you've built a tutorial for this that's so easy to follow is incredible. Always loved modding skyrim but would spend hours researching and watching various youtubers to figure out how. This makes everything so easy! My hats off to you :).