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Favorite screenshots?

Time to spam the thread again! So most of you that follow the thread know that I love building at Nordhagen, and that I also love making piers there. Since I have been on vaca for the week, I kinda went nuts.
This before I built the rest of it... right off the concrete blocks is an SS Minuteman post, and out at the end is a SS martial tower.


See those electrical towers out in the water? I used them as temporary limit markers. There is a LOT of buildable area out there, almost all the way over to the airport. The markers will eventually be removed.
It took me most of an afternoon, but this is what I came up with. The pier components are all G2M, the boats are vanilla with a crapload of detail.
Out along the pier, I used the SS electric poles. As usual I will need to detail the area with small structures and other items. ENH20190706225604_1.jpg
There is a 5 degree ramp from the beach that connects with the other parts, you can kinda see it where the color changes. I was in build mode with the menus off. The boats are almost at the very edge of the build area at the far end

This is the concreted part of the pier. And if you notice.... that little bit of land you see at the very left is the end of the airport grounds.Those markers came in might handy.

This whole pad is 2x6 blocks long. Except where the boats are. there are full railings all around. And I do need to place another power pole somewhere on it. ENH20190706225401_1.jpg
I think I will need to add a SS watering hole out on the pier. Any plots come to mind? I already have an idea for a couple resi houses... perhaps an internal plot or two.
My turn...
Just passed 50 settlers at Sanctuary. Yup, frame rate really takes a hit, it crashes half the time I try to appara--fast travel there... but holy crap, it's nuts. Most of the plots are interiors, with some exterior plots thrown on top. Scrappy, lots of raider stuff going on--this is my main outpost, as always.

The big building on the right is my recycling and sorting facility... have to deal with all those dead corpses somehow, right? It's all automated. Dead thing goes in, components come out, get sorted, recycled, or stored, depending on what it is. (Really need to shoot a video, but the frame rate's bad at this point, so it would be painful to watch, I think)

A look up the street, if you will... Love the raider windmill by @uituit, it's an awesome set piece.
20190707134617_1.jpgA shot from behind the windmill. Doggie heaven--I counted something like 20 dogs and mutant hounds.
20190707134839_1.jpg And final, the south main gate. Identical posts with a walkway connecting the pair. Might share the clipboard of it if people are interested.
My turn...
View attachment 5757
Just passed 50 settlers at Sanctuary. Yup, frame rate really takes a hit, it crashes half the time I try to appara--fast travel there... but holy crap, it's nuts. Most of the plots are interiors, with some exterior plots thrown on top. Scrappy, lots of raider stuff going on--this is my main outpost, as always.

The big building on the right is my recycling and sorting facility... have to deal with all those dead corpses somehow, right? It's all automated. Dead thing goes in, components come out, get sorted, recycled, or stored, depending on what it is. (Really need to shoot a video, but the frame rate's bad at this point, so it would be painful to watch, I think)

View attachment 5761
A look up the street, if you will... Love the raider windmill by @uituit, it's an awesome set piece.
View attachment 5762A shot from behind the windmill. Doggie heaven--I counted something like 20 dogs and mutant hounds.
View attachment 5763 And final, the south main gate. Identical posts with a walkway connecting the pair. Might share the clipboard of it if people are interested.

AWESOME!!!! Raiders you say, in Sanctuary??? (shhhh! don't tell @Phil_T_Casual ) - but he has been AWOL. I don't feel the love anymore.
Only have 50 settlers now. Ran an outpost raid. Went very well (as always, just because). So some guys moved to the new outpost. Didn't take long to recruit more.

Unfortunately, I think this campaign's at an end, it's really glitchy away from Sanctuary, even. Irritating, as it seems 3 days is about the average real play-time I get out of a save before it goes all squirrely. Of course, my heavy load order doesn't help either, but hey, I like building.

Since Conqueror's going on a slight hiatus (at least I think, based on what KG said in the mod news update last week), gonna play one of my other characters. Problem is, it's TOO EASY being the good guy! I wanna burn, and pillage, and steal... all the juicy things raiders get up to.
Base game.

Also you should probably wrap that in spoiler quotes.

Sheet! Good point. Although... Four years? Lol.

Yep, a bit of a spoiler, though I knew about that for a while. There's a surprising number of synths in the Commonwealth. "Unsure? Just kill them and look in their inventory." :evil:

Yeah being the murderer opens up discovery. I can't wait to see if that kid in the fridge is one... Lol.

I'll just add that Conqueror has made the Commonwealth an exceptionally unsafe place. Every poor sucker on the road is now a target.
sorry for being poor and not having a 4k res monitor.
Edit: aaaaaaaaaaaand fail post, not sure how to embed images here /shrug

I play at 1080P and I think my screenies look just fine. You can embed a screenie in a couple ways here...... easiest way is to use the 'upload a file' box. If that isn't available, you can use the photo link in the toolbar... next to the emoji icon.

Back to spamming the thread... I kitted out a boat so Sharon could take a trip out to Jeffries Ledge. F/V Bridget. :kissENH20190709001539_1.jpg ENH20190709001539_1.jpg ENH20190709000040_1.jpg ENH20190708235341_1.jpg ENH20190708233032_1.jpg
I play at 1080P and I think my screenies look just fine. You can embed a screenie in a couple ways here...... easiest way is to use the 'upload a file' box. If that isn't available, you can use the photo link in the toolbar... next to the emoji icon.

Back to spamming the thread... I kitted out a boat so Sharon could take a trip out to Jeffries Ledge. F/V Bridget. :kissView attachment 5771 View attachment 5771 View attachment 5773 View attachment 5774 View attachment 5775
There we go, thanks for that ^^
Thanks for reminding me about that bow. I keep meaning to dl it but I saw there were some kinks that needed fixing. Is it running well? Also, how did they not put bows into this game? They had an working bow system in Skyrim, parabolic trajectories and all. Makes nooooo sense to me.
Thanks for reminding me about that bow. I keep meaning to dl it but I saw there were some kinks that needed fixing. Is it running well? Also, how did they not put bows into this game? They had an working bow system in Skyrim, parabolic trajectories and all. Makes nooooo sense to me.

It has a few catches like weapon jiggle remover integrated into the mod so all the weapons are recoil less now, and the arrows are unrealistically slow, but other than that, its pretty awesome :)