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Factory Assaultrons display disconnected

The torso of the Assaultron created at the end tier is 90 degrees offset and completely disconnected from the legs. All parts appear in working order otherwise.

I can upload a screenshot if needed.
Go ahead and submit a screenshot, since I don't have a "Factory Assaultrons" plot, so not sure which plot you are referring to.

The only case i can think of where I have a full assaultron is on the Army Bots plot, however that's literally an unconscious assaultron automatron NPC, not a static model
oooh, just saw this. Deleted that save. Yes, the Army Bots plot. It produced an Assaultron. In all ways a proper assaultron. Provided defense, worked plots, except that the torso and the legs were not visibly connected. Purely visual glitch.

The only other mod I had modifying bots is this one and it's likely the culprit.

This is what it looked like.

You've updated twice since that bug occurred.


  • 20180721141141_1.jpg
    863.9 KB · Views: 105
There are several things specific to my game that could have caused this, from that mod mentioned to a bat I run to make my automatron bots all protected when I start up. I thought there was a possibility that was an obvious bug so I mentioned it.
This is what it looked like.

You've updated twice since that bug occurred.

lol, wow, that's not even a small visual glitch. I can say I've never seen that before, and I can't see how I would have caused that since I don't touch the actual robot NPCs or their connection points at all, but I'm happy to look into it if someone can figure out how to reproduce it :P
It moved around fine. Arms moved just right. Attacked from it's modified torso position. The force was with it. I tried enabling/disabling, respawning, fast travelling, moving it. Stayed that way.

I had an old mod that did that, the Defense Robot mod original. I forget the exact name, let me look it up.