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Chapter 3 Input Needed! Favourite or New Robot Personalities.

Um robô no estilo de Dog, o robô que cuidou de Alyx quando criança em Half-Life 2. Ele tem uma personalidade um tanto confusa e veste o uniforme de Grognak, pensando que é ele.
Dont use any custom robots because if any bugs happen and you report them theyll just blame it on that and no ss2 because ss2 is
I'm sort of surprised no one has mentioned it yet, but what about Sarge? If you've retaken the Castle and done Old Guns, then maybe the Minutemen fashion the remains of Sarge into Sarge II and present him to you in gratitude. Could require going to the Robotics Disposal Ground to obtain/scan a component from the experimental Mk IV sentry bot there.
I'm sort of surprised no one has mentioned it yet, but what about Sarge? If you've retaken the Castle and done Old Guns, then maybe the Minutemen fashion the remains of Sarge into Sarge II and present him to you in gratitude. Could require going to the Robotics Disposal Ground to obtain/scan a component from the experimental Mk IV sentry bot there.
I would have loved if the base game gave you a way to avoid destroying sarge like a terminal when you first enter or something.
Ok I have been giving this a bit of thought past my last post.

How about a packmule robot looks similar to the robot from the 60's TV show Lost in Space. It could have a early detection system and blare out "Waring Warning" when enemies are near by.

A cybog dog based off the dog from the movie a Boy and his dog the movie that started the Fallout Franchise. ( Man that was a extremely young Don Johnson )

A Fencing instructor robot in a assaultron body named AL-jandro there could be a second one named 3S-Cobar and they hate each other

I Love Geostar1024 Idea for a Sarge 2. Ronnie Shaw could give you an update and several quest on how to repair Sarge so that he could be of use again.

A Salvage Bot. Works like a trader. His appearance if possible changes slightly each day. Some piece added or removed. Possible to recruit as a vendor. Has a unique shop and makes small swarm bots to gather materials.

A Gen -2 Synth that wears a tatters BoS uniform and badly mismatched and un-powered power armor. Swears he is a Knight from back west. Named D0N-Q

A set of four robots based of the four musketeers guarding a fifth robot based of the man in the iron mask. Do a series of quest for them and they will set up a settlement at the old ranger cabin by Abernathy Farm. They only take robot settlers though.

While I am sure my age shows in these ideas I thought they would be fun
Biv 2.0 would be fun. And a good stand in for Drinking Buddy since you have to give him up to get [REDACTED]. Ooo and make him really good at bending things!

A robot that's a hypochondriac.

A gritty old mechanic.

A Mr. Handy that's an abraxo marketing robot and is obsessed with cleaning. And an Abraxo paint job.
Another idea might be for upgraded versions of the other robots in Ada's original caravan (Hurtz, Turing, and Porter). Ada presumably remembers their personalities, and creating new robots to honor at least some of her lost friends could be a way to help her continue to reconcile with her past. I don't have any specific ideas for personalities for Hurtz II, Turing II, and Porter II, but those could in principle be based around the occupations of the originals (guard, scout/navigator, and logistics), with appropriate stats to make them useful in the appropriate HQ departments.
A version of P.A.M. to assist HQ (targeted at the Administration department, probably) could be interesting; presumably you'd need to be on good terms with the Railroad (and maybe even have finished off the Institute) before Desdemona would let you poke around in P.A.M.'s software (or be in possession of the control holotape in the event the Railroad is destroyed). This P.A.M. II wouldn't be nearly as capable as the original, of course, but would still have some of the predictive capabilities (and the amusing verbal responses, which could simply be reused original). The quest could involve enlisting Tinker Tom's help to decode parts of P.A.M.'s AI matrix (could probably reuse some of the dialog/animations from decoding the Courser chip at the end), yielding a holotape that could be given to the Science department for further research and/or a construction project after the Robotics lab has been built to actually create P.A.M. II.
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Cut and paste Whitechapel Charlie, but any time you need him to say something that he doesn't have the lines for, insert the line from anyone in Goodneighbor. And do it poorly.

A Mr. Handy that speaks in sign language.
How about one on the simler lines of Metal Mickey with the same sarcastic and funny lines of speach, and build him in power armor for defence, and a 50 cal machine gun to fight with or something simler.
I always feel sorry for the Assaultron that you find following Dogmeat to track down Kellogg.

Perhaps a salvage mission and restoration project for that bot.
Personality wise, It could always be nervous or twitchy, "fearful" of combat situations and have some difficulty moving about because repairs weren't entirely successful due to extreme damage. Head ajar, tilted to one side perhaps.
It would be a pacifist now, with preference for doing robot repairs in HQ's Robot Lab, being grateful for having been restored.
You know, it doesn't have to have an assaultron's body, just the head. You could give it a sentry torso and arms with a Mr Handy thruster. Able move quickly, but you're likely to get a mininuke to the face if you back her into a corner.
Just a thought. Aiden is the person doing the dub over. "All gunners are to be shot on sight. If you see any gunner related activity report it your nearest security personal. The only cure for gunners is death"

Extra points if someone did this behind his back and Aiden has an angry interaction with the robot.
Oooo have Jake program it to mock Aiden!

"You know what this hallway needs? LANDMINES! Every hallway needs a few good landmines!"
An Eyebot named Witly with a British accent who insists he's a genius but is either an idiot making dumb suggestions, or is trying to get the SS killed.

"If you lay a mine and jump on it, you'll get to those hard-to-reach places in a jiffy!"
"Deathclaws might be resistant to small-arms fire, but that means melee combat must be their weakness!"
"Absorb enough radiation over time and you'll develop an immunity to it! That's how organic systems work, you know."
If you sneak while he's nearby, he starts shouting "over here! We're right here!"
I'm sort of surprised no one has mentioned it yet, but what about Sarge? If you've retaken the Castle and done Old Guns, then maybe the Minutemen fashion the remains of Sarge into Sarge II and present him to you in gratitude. Could require going to the Robotics Disposal Ground to obtain/scan a component from the experimental Mk IV sentry bot there.

I'm sort of surprised no one has mentioned it yet, but what about Sarge? If you've retaken the Castle and done Old Guns, then maybe the Minutemen fashion the remains of Sarge into Sarge II and present him to you in gratitude. Could require going to the Robotics Disposal Ground to obtain/scan a component from the experimental Mk IV sentry bot there.
I'd love a Sarge rebuild, if he talked like R. Lee Ermy's character in Full Metal Jacket or the Toy Story movies. We could explain the personality change by explaining that he didn't like being destroyed during Old Guns.
Definitely need to see HK47 in some form or fashion. And Marvin from HHGttG.

And I love so many other suggestions in this thread; definitely would love a PDQ-88b securitron or two if you can model them in FO4 or get permission from someone who already has (I think I remember seeing one on the Nexus, but for some reason, I chose to not grab it... probably some requirements or conflicts). Whether it is Yes Man, Muggy, Victor, etc. Would LOVE to be able to build my own too!

Rebuilding Sarge or making a Sarge2.0 from The Castle would be awesome.

A miniaturized (eg, normal/human-sized) Liberty Prime would be amazing (assuming the right main quest choices have been made and completed).

Saving/repurposing the assaultron found on the way to track down Kellogg would be great!

Likewise, (assuming the right DLC quest has been completed) rebuilding A.D.A.'s former companions would be awesome.

Something like another Valentine would be great - a GenII who is a bit beat up (though definitely not exactly like Nick), and has an obvious synth chassis, but a very human personality. Or even a GenIII, (maybe one of the existing main characters could get some permanent battle damage revealing their synth nature?). Maybe integrate it into / dependent upon the Railroad quest line? Or, spitballing along that line of thinking, making more bot-to-synth transitions as we do for Curie? That could be awesome too! I could see any of these as somewhat cheapening the main sidekicks' (be it nick or curie) storylines... but only if not done right. It could also enhance them if well written!