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Basement Living Not Compatible


New Member
Basement Living - Bunker and Basement Player Homes (with standalone Workshops) v1.3 by fadingsignal

Q: Can they link/share to the settlement workshop they're placed in?
A: As of v1.2.1 this is now how it works! It will now automatically link to the parent settlement container. Unfortunately, because these cells are different "locations", the provisioner link does not persist, so you will only get the parent workshop container's items, not everything that is shared between settlements. Still looking into ways to address this, but right now it would require doing some major overhaul to the Workshop code and that's not worth it. This is still a nice upgrade.

Workshop Plus currently breaks the link between the parent workshop of the settlement and the workshop of the host basement or bunker. Also, if you store anything in the host basement or bunker workshop, the contents will disappear when you leave and return to it. The only solution to making it work normally again is to disable Workshop Framework and Workshop Plus.
Great catch. I have that mod on my list to try out.


If this one has problems than any mod that adds dual locations like one that adds an above ground and below ground settlement (exterior with connected interior) could have problems/conflicts as well.
I have this fixed for the next version. Workshop Framework doesn't actually break the link or anything - but one of the scripts I included failed to compile correctly, so it's causing strange behavior for folks.
I was wrong - it isn't Workshop Plus that's causing the problem--it's Workshop Framework.

I just grabbed version 1.01 and installed it without Workshop Plus. 1.01 still is not allowing the below-ground workbenches to sync their content with the parent above-ground settlement's workbench. And anything you put in the workbench below ground, will be gone when you leave and return.
I had another person who report this issue test it and they told me it's working... Uncertain why it isn't for you.
the link works per se. the problem is: it only works in one direction.
Look into your aboveground workshop. The items from below ground should all be in there. Took me a while to notice that, too.

Why you can't access the aboveground items from below, though, I have no idea... I edited the BL script to add debug outputs, and at no point was there any error
I think I see it.

You replaced WorkshopParent.WorkshopLinkContainer with just WorkshopLinkContainer, which is WorkshopScript's own property now.
It, along with other properties, are set in WorkshopInitializeLocation, but afaik this isn't called for non-settlement workshops (WorkshopID==-1).

The question is: how to set those properties to non-settlement workshops?

There is a handler OnWorkshopMode already. Maybe add a check in there?