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Closed 466 beds in Sanctuary Hills??

@MrCJohn I'm seeing in both the Pip Boy and in the workshop so not that.

Did some further testing and it appears to be caused by Jib's Residential Addon. I noticed there was an update for it dated yesterday and tried using that but still seeing 891 beds with it. Removing it and beds go back down to 39.
@Sisca It could be something that requires a "reboot" of the save file for the update to take affect. So basically disable the mod, load your save, save it (Best to do a new save file incase this doesn't work), re-enable it and then load the new save file. If it continues to rise even after that then there are two, maybe three posibilites.
  1. It's hard coded into the save, which seems unlikely as it only happens when you have his mod enabled.
  2. You may need to manually uninstall the mod by deleting the files and then manually reinstalling it again, to ensure all files are present.
  3. The bug still exists in the addon and will possibily be fixed in the next update.
@L2K_Perma I'm betting on #3.

I tried removing the mod completely but then I was having lockups when doing various things in my settlement - including just holstering my weapon. Figured that might be caused by the fact that I still had plots from the mod still in my settlement though they were broken. Reinstalled the addon and went through all of my residential plots and changed anything by Jib to something else and my bed count went down once all of those plots were gone even with the mod still active in my load order.

Just looking at the plots added by the addon I'm suspecting it has to do with the Victorian Doss house plot that adds 10 beds for 1 plot. As an experiment I'm adding one of those plots to another settlement that only had 3 agricultural plots in it. As soon as I did so I went from the 4 beds that I'd built to 13 beds (not 14 as expected) so I'm going to let it churn a bit and check back over time. Since I don't have anyone going to that settlement and I don't have enough resources to cause it to upgrade I'm not really expecting much. I may have t
This could be a bug in the Sim Settlements code. I never tested the shelter fix with homes that have multiple beds

I'll test with his addon to see if I can get to the bottom of it.
Ok, got it solved. Unfortunately, any buildings that had multiple of the same model bed in their design would have triggered the bug. Changing the building plan on those should clean up all of the bed models, but it could take a while.

This week's patch will prevent it from happening anymore, but until then - you'll want to avoid that building plan and any others that have multiple beds of the same model.
Shiznit. I liked the Victorian Doss house and have since built it in several settlements lol. Guess I have some work to do..
I just scrapped the Doss house and 7 sleeping bags are left behind. I can't scrap them! That's going to drive me NUTS.

Also, my bed count dropped by over 100 beds, leaving me with 256. Whatever plots I have left are single beds.
@ButterPecanRican Have you attempted to refresh all of your local plots since 2.1.0 came out? That may fix the remaining bed issue.
@Jib333 You may have been working from an older version of the tutorials. I added a tutorial 5.5 a while back, it recommends and shows you how to add a scrap table for all of your objects.

When you get a chance, can you do that for your add-on? We've had a bit of a bug here that will require that in order for players to clean up the mess.
Oh thank god, I was going insane trying to figure this out (I'm at 800+ beds in Starlight) - thought it was some other mod conflict or possibly related to the recent game update. So, would I be correct in assuming that the problem will go away if I scrap thoe jib houses, somehow get rid of any remaining beds (scrap everything maybe?), re-install the mod and then rebuild the plots? Or should I just wait for a possible addon update? I mean, it doesn't really seem to cause any other problem than the actual bed count and, I guess, artificially inflated happiness? (Well, apart from my ocd tendencies getting triggered)
Oh thank god, I was going insane trying to figure this out (I'm at 800+ beds in Starlight) - thought it was some other mod conflict or possibly related to the recent game update. So, would I be correct in assuming that the problem will go away if I scrap thoe jib houses, somehow get rid of any remaining beds (scrap everything maybe?), re-install the mod and then rebuild the plots? Or should I just wait for a possible addon update? I mean, it doesn't really seem to cause any other problem than the actual bed count and, I guess, artificially inflated happiness? (Well, apart from my ocd tendencies getting triggered)
If I remember correctly if you scrap those houses it should return to a more normal number and you shouldn't need to wait for an add on update except for to scrap certain leftover items in Jib's add on.
If I remember correctly if you scrap those houses it should return to a more normal number and you shouldn't need to wait for an add on update except for to scrap certain leftover items in Jib's add on.

And it really is only the Doss house that was causing the problem. You can just go through and change those to something else and it should correct the issue. I did that and then used the desk system to ban that plot type from my settlements for now.

I've installed the latest SS update but I haven't tested to see if it fixed the doss house issue. I'm planning on trying that today and will let you know what happens.
If I remember correctly if you scrap those houses it should return to a more normal number and you shouldn't need to wait for an add on update except for to scrap certain leftover items in Jib's add on.

I deleted the Doss House from my settlement a few days ago, ran refresh local plots, fast traveled to the other side of the map, alas, I still have 256 beds.. plus 7 sleeping bags that I can't get rid of, so I can't put another plot on top of it. :sad
I deleted the Doss House from my settlement a few days ago, ran refresh local plots, fast traveled to the other side of the map, alas, I still have 256 beds.. plus 7 sleeping bags that I can't get rid of, so I can't put another plot on top of it. :sad
I'm not sure if this would help, but make a backup save and then delete all the residential plots and see if it you still have as many beds, if not then there is another building that is causing it to have more beds then there should be. The only other option would be to destroy all the plots in the settlement, which should fix it then. I say that last bit because off of one of the addons I somehow had a bed appear on a commercial plot that was counting towards my beds.
I'm not sure if this would help, but make a backup save and then delete all the residential plots and see if it you still have as many beds, if not then there is another building that is causing it to have more beds then there should be. The only other option would be to destroy all the plots in the settlement, which should fix it then. I say that last bit because off of one of the addons I somehow had a bed appear on a commercial plot that was counting towards my beds.
I actually destroyed all the residential plots when I first posted this.. I had just started building Sanctuary so it wasn't TOO painful lol. I ran refresh local plots after I did it too just for shits and giggles. Didn't help, so I reloaded my save.
I guess I could destroy ALL the plots, but it's weird that Sanctuary is the only settlement I'm having this issue on.
Indeed it is strange, but I do believe Sanctuary is one of the settlements that weird things happen to some times. Let me know though if deleting all plots works.
Instead of destroying the plot have you tried just changing it to something else? That's what I did for the Doss house and it cleared up right away.

If that works and actually destroying the plot doesn't I'd say there's something not getting cleared out when the plot is destroyed but gets overwritten when it's replaced.