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Clean and Simple - Settlement Startup

Settlements/Homes Clean and Simple - Settlement Startup jenncave

This is my FOMOD for the Clean and Simple Series

And I'm spent...all of them completed for the vanilla settlements. There is now a FOMOD installer for installing the mods. You now have the option to install just the files you want. There are still the existing merge file options available in the installer for those that want any of those merges or it has an option to install any combination of settlement locations.
Now, off to take a much needed break to actually enjoy my creations. :)

Please see individual pages for descriptions and images.
This FOMOD includes these mods:
Clean and Simple - Abernathy Startup
Clean and Simple - Graygarden Startup
Clean and Simple - Red Rocket Startup
Clean and Simple - Starlight Drive In Startup
Clean and Simple - Ten Pines Bluff Startup

Clean and Simple - Finch Farm Startup

Clean and Simple - Sanctuary Startup
Clean and Simple - The Castle Startup
Clean and Simple - Warwick Startup
Clean and Simple - Spectacle Island Startup
Clean and Simple - Sunshine Tidings Startup
Clean and Simple - Egret Tours Marina Startup
Clean and Simple - Oberland Station Startup
Clean and Simple - Taffington Boat House Startup
Clean and Simple - County Crossing Startup
Clean and Simple - Greentop Nursery Startup
Clean and Simple - Jamaica Plains Startup
Clean and Simple - Kingsport Lighthouse Startup
Clean and Simple - Nordhagen Beach Startup
Clean and Simple - Croup Manor Startup
Clean and Simple - Somerville Place Startup
Clean and Simple - The Slog Startup
Clean and Simple - Murkwater Construction Startup
Clean and Simple - Coastal Cottage Startup
Clean and Simple - Hangman's Alley Startup
Clean and Simple - Outpost Zimonja Startup
Clean and Simple - Covenant Startup
Clean and Simple - Boston Airport Startup
Clean and Simple - Bunker Hill Startup

Here is a tutorial with terrible sound that can help you make your own merge.
Note: I could not include Hangman's Alley in the Vanilla Settlement Size merge because it depends on the expanded borders and settings that I created in order to function. You will notice limited build area in Bunker Hill, Jamaica Plains and Boston Airport as well. For Boston Airport, I suggest waiting till after you build the Molecular Relay before installing the Vanilla Settlement Size merge unless you are using another mod that expands the borders.
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