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Well-Known Member
This has probably been asked before.... Do visitors or VIP's have any use besides adding a bit of 'atmosphere' to a settlement? In my last playthrough, I had at least 10-15 in each settlement once it got reasonably well built. Not a single one speaks any dialog (nor did I get any response when I turned on the dialog options). I know the option to have them show up is in the settlement menu.

What was not so funny is that I had my private residences that would start collecting wandering visitors. My Sanctuary Hot Springs house would always have two or three inside sandboxing. ( read that as getting in the damn way) At the drive-in, I had at least half a dozen named VIP's show up, and I thought some became semi permanent.
hahaha, I give them themed clothing. The ones that hang out at Uituit's Garden pool I give swimsuits. Some I have given better weapons but have no idea if it has any benefits.

I like-em, but I think right now it is just like you said 'atmosphere'.
This has probably been asked before.... Do visitors or VIP's have any use besides adding a bit of 'atmosphere' to a settlement? In my last playthrough, I had at least 10-15 in each settlement once it got reasonably well built. Not a single one speaks any dialog (nor did I get any response when I turned on the dialog options). I know the option to have them show up is in the settlement menu.

What was not so funny is that I had my private residences that would start collecting wandering visitors. My Sanctuary Hot Springs house would always have two or three inside sandboxing. ( read that as getting in the damn way) At the drive-in, I had at least half a dozen named VIP's show up, and I thought some became semi permanent.

Big Game Hunter. Before shopping at Catchy Patch Clothier.

She looks so insecure :( She needs a little attention and a makeover.


After Shopping at Catchy Patch Clothier and having old Moma Murphy fuss with her hair.

hahaha, confidence through the roof :) She owns it :)

hahaha, and I gave her a big gun. I need to watch and see what happens during the next settlement attack? I think they do defend themselves but I also think they can die. Maybe because I have mortal settlers installed?

Anyway, I like redoing there looks and apparel. It isn't like I don't have extra.

They also take your presets so they are good to experiment on.
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I did not know that. I always thought that they were like some NPC's that nerfed the game if you touched them. You have created a monster. :spiteful:spiteful

Oh yes, I go all Preset-Madness on them so I get a good perspective of how they look in game and / or test the giant number of presets I have downloaded.
I am so glad I helped you find a use for them.

Console: openactorcontainer 1 opens their inventory so you can change the outfits

The ff-prefix NPC issue does not apply to the Sim Settlement visitors so preset and slm to your heart's content.

Oh, if you like that suggestion then... maybe???? you might like -
Spawnable Unique Settlers

In my games I have hundreds of unique female settlers all custom presets, all named. They are the elite guards that protect my mortal better settlers.

I use excel spreadsheet lists to manage the hexadecimal requirement. If you like the mod PM me and I can help you use it and / or I'll even send you the excel files to handle the unique ID's.

hahahaha, enjoy! Really happy to have created a monster. I am sure your settlements will be more attractive for it.


Now one of my favorite postings that I have ever made on the Sim Settlement forms:


Uituit's: Garden Pool of Hedonism!

The day I became a "Sim Settlement Visitor Monster :crazy"

The backdrop is:

Magnificent Spectacle Island
IMHO one of the best overhauls ever to do a Sim Settlement build in ever! Not kidding, for me the best location overhaul mod ever created.