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Version 11

So I've gone a done it. Mentioned a escalator, and @VikingBaggins suggested a complete Mall. So, the Mega Mall is now under construction. The question is, (You now who you are, Holly!), do make an interior "Cough cough" clothes shop?

Holly, is losing her radiated mind! :kiss :declare
Ah, I see now. That was the question. Do I, or don't I? And if so, what should it sell I wonder? Either way, I wouldn't hold your breath. This is going to take some doing to get it right and balanced.
Just a thought.... A mall is usually a very busy place. How can you make a decently busy area without killing everyone's framerate? The pathing alone could be a nightmare unless you take a modular approach to it.
This is just a frame mainly. The user then adds interiors to it as they see fit. So I see it as like when the settlers all gather round a rec plot or bar at night. Hoping it wont make that much of a difference. But, if you think it will, I may have to re think the whole plan.
I get your point. The concern is whether or not it will work with the current interior plots. Or at least the entrances & exits to them. What may end up happening is that a whole new set of interior plots might need to be made, all with the same entrances/ exits. Not that it wouldn't make for some very interesting plots and combinations. Then there's the matter of powering the place up for lights and other devices.
Back some years ago I was heavy into HO scale model trains. Great hobby, but very expensive in terms of money and space. Anyway, one of my forays was with a modular club. The basic principle was that everyone followed a framework that allowed module(s) from multiple individuals to connect without a lot of hassle.
I dunno, I think it'll probably work fine. I think it will complement well next to my mall plot and I think it's nice that they are different. Mine is an enterable interior, that functions as a mini settlement to allow placement of Commercial Plots. I would be happy to have a non-enterable mall too. I will probably frequently place them together in my settlements.

I could try to find some time to set towards some 3DS Max to see if I can make the NavCut bigger for our oversized plots. I think the new navmesh method is great and wish it can be used on every plot, including very tall ones/1x1/3x3/6x4.

But, if you think it will, I may have to re think the whole plan.
At that point, maybe there could be 2 build plans instead of scrapping the current one? Since it's already an oversized one it'll be direct select only so it's a deliberate choice to use it. City Planners who would make use of this would ask players to enable Designer's Choice for the specific City Plan, so as long as the relevant addon packs are installed the Interior Plots would also be pre-selected so they'd probably make sure there are pathways when using the intended Interior Plots. Blueprints should choose the exact plots regardless of settings so long as the as the relevant addon packs are installed.

If there are snap points for the Interior Plots, it's easy enough for placement by players as well. Even if not then the players on PC can place foundations surrounding the Mall and place in plots adjacent to where the Int will go with the same angles for use with 1/2/3/6 to paste stored positional data on only one axis. The (=) key stores positional data of the highlighted object. You just place the proxy so that the X position + height lines up the same as intended, then paste X/Z position on the actual one with 1 & 3 keys, place proxy so the Y position + the angle line up then paste Y/Z-angle on to the actual one. Note this only works if you set the main plots angle to be 0/90/180/270(otherwise local X/Y/Z won't line up perfectly with global X/Y/Z). I generally do SetAngle Z 0 on the first floor/foundation piece I place then I snap everything to that or can easily copy/paste Z angle as needed and easily move stuff by exact specified amounts with ModPos X/Y.

What may end up happening is that a whole new set of interior plots might need to be made, all with the same entrances/ exits
True but we can activate for options anywhere on the Int plots/use Architect's T-Square so I think it's not too bad if it happens, even Xbox One players should be able to solve it. It's of course very easy to resolve on PC, it's generally really normal for me to use Place Everywhere's hotkeys to fine tune plot positioning and trade them around. It will probably be a rare situation as I think most are enterable from multiple angles.

Then there's the matter of powering the place up for lights and other devices.
Easily solvable, just make the mall plot generate a small amount of power at L0 & radiate power at all levels. If you wanted it to be completely fair in terms of balancing, could spawn a special conduit object as the first item on Spawned Items that's set to exist on all levels. This special conduit could have the 1500/2000 or so needed PowerRadiated value and generate enough power for all of the Int plots. Though personally I'd just do the plot resources route and have it be convenient including for City Plan/TS Blueprint use at the cost of being slightly "cheaty".

The powered state of the Int plot doesn't always update correctly, I had to pick up and drop it for it to register as powered or would have to manually place additional conduits to also radiate power to it. I found L0 +2 Power avoids this since they're registered as powered initially. I believe it's just bugginess in the base game code for this rather than from Sim Settlements, WSFW can fix a lot but I think some will be engine level so impossible to affect with any mods(aside from possibly via an F4SE DLL plugin which would instantly rule out Xbox, require very advanced/complex programming and basically require constant babysitting because of the game updates so very much not optimal at all). So for me since I think the immersion benefit is worth it it makes sense to use a little workaround on the main plot itself to try to make sure "It Just Works" -:todd:

With City Plans created by others I strongly prefer to leave it up to them in-game and add or modify nothing(aside from my free resources object if it isn't a self sufficient, which I hide in the sky or underground anyways). I like it how Vassals can be not directly controlled, this lets me make outposts at mod-added settlement locations which tend to be where I build manually at then take vanilla locations(which tend to be City Plans) as Vassals.
With regards to power, the plot has wire-able conduits round the outside, and an internal one that generates its own power. So that the interiors can draw power. The frame is done so that many of the already interior plots will work, as said, the user just has to select the ones that suit them.
Hi there. I’m a huge fan of the plots that were part of the mega pack. I ended up deleting it because of how massive it was and how Xbox limits the downloads to 2gb.

But ever since I still wish I had access to your plots. They were creative and smart, some with very unique concept that I wish I’d see more of. The dual occupancy house by itself makes me miss those plots nearly every day.

If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask: Would it be possible to release it for Xbox? Even if it was a partial version (I don’t know enough to know if plots could be problematic on a console vs on pc), your plots were so interesting I’d just take anything I can get.
Hi there. I’m a huge fan of the plots that were part of the mega pack. I ended up deleting it because of how massive it was and how Xbox limits the downloads to 2gb.

But ever since I still wish I had access to your plots. They were creative and smart, some with very unique concept that I wish I’d see more of. The dual occupancy house by itself makes me miss those plots nearly every day.

If you don’t mind, I’d like to ask: Would it be possible to release it for Xbox? Even if it was a partial version (I don’t know enough to know if plots could be problematic on a console vs on pc), your plots were so interesting I’d just take anything I can get.
I will give it some seroius consideration as you asked no nicely.
However, I have a question and a possible issue.
Is the lingerie store acceptable on Beth.net?
The latest update (not yet up) also has an interior lingerie plot (Holly's Must Haves), and it includes a bikini set for Holly to wear (or any ghoul) with body physics. Was only done for a laugh, but again, is this allowed?
If not, I would have to remove them / it. Does Xbox allow / have body mods?
If its allowed etc, or even if not, it will take me time. (wibbely wobbly timey wimy)
Ok, I’ll be honest, I can’t guarantee all that I’m about to say, I didn’t read terms and agreements of modding for Bethesda or anything like that.

Body mods: If you mean mods that change body shapes, I’ve seen a few of them on Xbox (haven’t tried so I don’t know how good they are but they exist) so... probably allowed.

Is the lingerie store acceptable? Euh... i mean... SimHomestead has a brothel so... I’m gonna guess lingerie is probably not that bad?

Now... that does raise another question. You are making ghoul bikinis? Do you need to talk?

PS. Nice Doctor reference
Ok, I’ll be honest, I can’t guarantee all that I’m about to say, I didn’t read terms and agreements of modding for Bethesda or anything like that.

Body mods: If you mean mods that change body shapes, I’ve seen a few of them on Xbox (haven’t tried so I don’t know how good they are but they exist) so... probably allowed.

Is the lingerie store acceptable? Euh... i mean... SimHomestead has a brothel so... I’m gonna guess lingerie is probably not that bad?

Now... that does raise another question. You are making ghoul bikinis? Do you need to talk?

PS. Nice Doctor reference
Ha ha ha. LMFAO.
No I don't need therapy, I don't think!
It was just that someone who used it first made Holly from the slog the vendor. I thought thats was genius, so then thought, maybe Holly should have a franchise, then, why not. Give her some love, she is a sassy Ghoul! And of course you don't have to pick it up.
None of the other lingerie is usable or buy-able. Its just a front for as clothing vendor.
Neither is there any nudity or crudeness. Its all just for fun.
And of course you don't have to pick it up.

There is no way in hell I’m passing up on this opportunity! A sexy sassy ghoul in Fallout 4 seems like a perfect throwback to the 90’s era Fallout. I’m gonna pretend she was in Reno a few years back and love it to death!

I pick and keep clothing, weird weapons and hats that look significant or unique to give character to my settlements all the time. I have a triggermen settlement where guy is in a suit, every girl in a red dress and everyone uses bowler hats and tommy guns. Most of my industry workers have mechanic looking suits, hard hats and uses pipe wrench for weapons. My bartenders and restaurant workers get rolling pins! I’m setting up settlements with themes like robots (mix of robots and people in robot gear), baseball, clean 50’s, all types raiders from Nuka World and normal raiders... on top of the obvious faction ones. I love to try and make every settlement have their own unique look and identities.

If you set up a plot that could give a unique direction to a settlement, you bet your sweet metal ass I’m gonna do what I can to use it to its full potential.

Alright, let me know if you need any help from the Xbox side... no idea what I could do... but since I’ll start a new game once this drops I’ll help if I can.

Once you have a rough idea of what file size I should expect and a timeframe let me know.

Take care