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Twin Spiral at Sanctuary


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I wondered how far up I could build and still have settlers path okay.

The answer is: "It seems that the sky might be the limit." Still waiting for more settlers to arrive, of course.

@WetRats - another wooden splinter in your eye. ;) LITERALLY just ran out of wood when placing the final wedge-piece.
20190110215537_1 (Large).jpg
"Some supportive framework required." ;)
Will do, once I get more wood in that game. Walls and ceiling need putting on for each individual area, plus supporting posts so it looks believable.
Vertical build height is 4 stories or 4 foundation blocks, the blocks are around 10 ft tall each,
the last wall i built there was 4 levels high and could not go any higher. That limit is for Sanctuary
Hills, Abernathy farm is 5 times that.