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Question Too many attacks, too many attackers


Active Member
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I don't know if this is simply bad luck or not, but I have been having too many attacks happening to my outposts. At Hangman's, I literally had Gunners and Raiders attack at the same time, from opposite sides, which completely killed my outpost. I have also had attacks on Hangman's occur within 15 minutes in real time (so, what, an hour or two in game time?). I get the Defend [Hangman's Alley] notification, and - bam! - attack. And those battles seem to resolve themselves too fast when I am away from the area, not giving me time to even get there without fast traveling, which I avoid for fear of crashes.

On top of that, these groups easily outnumber my soldiers. 15 Gunners vs my 7 Hangman's soldiers? Each time, the waves of attackers so outweigh my guys I simply can't sustain the outpost.

Is there, or are there going to be, controls for that so I can affect: how frequently attacks occur? The size of the enemy army? The relative level between them? I mean, I get that this could happen for real as an immersive element. No one says battles are going to be fair and balanced. But this has been just frustrating.
I don't know if this is simply bad luck or not, but I have been having too many attacks happening to my outposts. At Hangman's, I literally had Gunners and Raiders attack at the same time, from opposite sides, which completely killed my outpost. I have also had attacks on Hangman's occur within 15 minutes in real time (so, what, an hour or two in game time?). I get the Defend [Hangman's Alley] notification, and - bam! - attack. And those battles seem to resolve themselves too fast when I am away from the area, not giving me time to even get there without fast traveling, which I avoid for fear of crashes.

On top of that, these groups easily outnumber my soldiers. 15 Gunners vs my 7 Hangman's soldiers? Each time, the waves of attackers so outweigh my guys I simply can't sustain the outpost.

Is there, or are there going to be, controls for that so I can affect: how frequently attacks occur? The size of the enemy army? The relative level between them? I mean, I get that this could happen for real as an immersive element. No one says battles are going to be fair and balanced. But this has been just frustrating.

That frequency seems excessive, but I don't know the actual figures for attack frequency calculation so I don't know if it is more excessive then designed or not.

The number of enemy troops are supposed to be based on your number of outposts and vassals I believe, so if you conquer quickly without time to build up, you'll leave yourself undermanned to defend. If Hangman's is your only outpost/vassal and you're seeing that, then I suspect something is up.
At this point, yeah - Hangman's was my 1st Outpost, and I was gearing up to take a second but got wiped out. Because i start off with a new game, I was only level 14 and Hangman's only had 7 people and wasn't even Level 1, so no real defenses. That's also why I so desperately want the new Conqueror features for the Mess Hall and the others added to Interior plots! My guys need all the help they can get!
i use skk settlement attacks, and in a previous game that i messed up, i went with jammer, took over zimonja and prepared to take tenpines as my first vassal settlement. when my raid team assembled we ran over the bridge, and at the same time a settlement attack from the skk mod started, with about 20 armed to the teeth supermutants.
needless to say, we didn't take tenpines. in fact, we barely got over the bridge. it was a massacre. my raider army were cut to pieces.

i am ashamed to say i turned around and legged it straight back to zimonja. leaving the settlers and the supermutants to duke it out.

i never really recovered from that debacle.
i use skk settlement attacks, and in a previous game that i messed up, i went with jammer, took over zimonja and prepared to take tenpines as my first vassal settlement. when my raid team assembled we ran over the bridge, and at the same time a settlement attack from the skk mod started, with about 20 armed to the teeth supermutants.
needless to say, we didn't take tenpines. in fact, we barely got over the bridge. it was a massacre. my raider army were cut to pieces.

i am ashamed to say i turned around and legged it straight back to zimonja. leaving the settlers and the supermutants to duke it out.

i never really recovered from that debacle.

Only one thing worse than supermutants armed to the teeth...

SuperMutant Redux Nightskins ... they can chameleon in and out - and wait for it!!! they are armed with my special stand alone super weapons!!!!! How they get them I don't have a clue... just means that what you think is for the player isn't true...

Or try synth overhaul -- with no level requirements - geez....

I can't wait to get to the Cross of Atom...

I use SKK Combat Stalkers... and this will pull in the Nightskins... bloody hell....

i have combat stalkers as well - its cool if you can get that, and the settlement attacks to overlap. i had settlement attacks set to the lowest timer value, so basically i was constantly under seige. the constant settlement attacks absolutely shredded my settlements, then i'd get stalked mid battle. great fun.

skk's mods are wicked smart.
u can use a mod to change game time from 1 min = 20 fallout min to 1 min = 5 min fallout time to give yourself longer to build up before the next day :)

Console - SET TIMESCALE TO 5 (OR 10 OR 20) ... Don't need a mod, but there is several good ones.
Is 5 safe? Maybe this is just a relic in my mind from Skyrim/other games (or just outright false), but I thought 6 was the lowest safe value.

Personally, I have seen others over the years, in videos, etc... 10 is the safest, lowest number. Horizon on Nexus has a plug in for 10 and I have played Horizon that way with no issues. The close to 0 and things stop, or lag...

My opinion is 10. That's only because I have played at that number for so long, it is safe and stable. But that's just me and my experience.
Is 5 safe? Maybe this is just a relic in my mind from Skyrim/other games (or just outright false), but I thought 6 was the lowest safe value.

In skyrim anything under 6 could break timed quests, but I don't know if that holds true in fallout or not. I personally always played at timescale 12, but this time setting was based around frequency of food/sleep/freezing to death from my survival mods.