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The Official “Ask the lead writer of SS2 anything” Thread!

Would it be possible for you to pass on appreciation to the Lupe voice artist? I've just finished Internal Affairs and the discussion after it had an awesome tone in how Lupe was taking the death toll. I'm sure that I heard a genuine tremble in her voice and just wanted to say awesome job!

(Don't get me wrong, I've been impressed by the whole cast, the writing, everything. But that one moment just jumped out at me as a wow.)
Now that CH3 has been out a while, I have what I perceived as a plot point that got sort of abandoned I'd like to ask about.

During Chapters 1 and 2, more than once (mostly from Jake, although Wise mentions it after the Battle For GNN too) implications are dropped that there's going to be a "traitor amongst us" sub-arc and that it'll be Aiden - when all evidence suggests he's perfectly loyal to our cause, just kind of a prick. Was that ever meant to go anywhere, or just Jake being paranoid?
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Now that CH3 has been out a while, I have what I perceived as a plot point that got sort of abandoned I'd like to ask about.

During Chapters 1 and 2, more than once (mostly from Jake, although Wise mentions it after the Battle For GNN too) implications are dropped that there's going to be a "traitor amongst us" sub-arc and that it'll be Aiden - when all evidence suggests he's perfectly loyal to our cause, just kind of a prick. Was that ever meant to go anywhere, or just Jake being paranoid?
i'm deathly curious about this myself, 'cause more than once people are like "I don't trust Aiden :mad:" and it never seems to... go anywhere. (I could've sworn there's comments like that in CH3 as well, but it's been a while.)
i'm deathly curious about this myself, 'cause more than once people are like "I don't trust Aiden :mad:" and it never seems to... go anywhere. (I could've sworn there's comments like that in CH3 as well, but it's been a while.)

At the beginning Aiden doesn't trust us, because our settlement building devices are getting settlements wiped out by Gunners. But when he sees we are earnest in our desire to help the Commonwealth and are willing to back our aided settlements with our own guns, Aiden gets on board with the effort. I prefer Aiden to the pretty boy who is only in it to track down his ex and get his daughter back. Not to mention constantly calling me "darlin'" when I've got a significant other standing right there with me. But he's the man who has access to the technology so I grin and bear it.
The gunners are right at their door and they already have some beef. Might as well?
I think having the Atom Cats as a group to recruit for the assault would fit in great with the story line. It seems a missed opportunity.
It's long overdue answers times! Very sorry for the delay, but hopefully you like what we've come up with that's been keeping me so busy...
in chapter 3, when you have to choose the name of your empire.
what is the opinion of all the HQ staff about joining the main factions? (especially the opinion of aiden and theresa about rejoining the minutemen)
Not to spoil anything, but each member of the HQ staff should have random lines once you ally with a faction, the thoughts they voice there would likely be similar to if those factions were joined. But off the top of my head... I believe Theresa is glad the Player has rebuilt the Minutemen, and is impressed how well they turned the group around. Aiden is a bit more pessimistic, thinking the Minutemen should be left in the past (but at least thinks the Player is the best person to lead them.

What would the HQ gang think of the following factions -
The Pitt
Ronto (granted not much is known about them other than that they have a powerful military force and occupy what was Toronto)
Dave's Republic
Reilly's Rangers
Oof, that's a lot of opinions on a lot of factions. So I'm gonna go with just Jake for each of these...

NCR: Jake would respect them, think they're likely what's best for the wasteland, although would not take kindly if he was made the join them.
The Pitt: Nothing but no good raider trash. Shoot on sight, and lose no sleep over 'em.
Ronto: Assuming it is indeed what once was Toronto, well, that Hubert guy seemed nice enough. Those Ronto folks are likely good too, right?
Dave's Republic: Respects the concept, questions the leadership...
Reilly's Rangers: Good folks just tryna make a living! Nothing wrong with that.

You should show me what Berman's sister looks like.
We might see. or at least hear, more about her in the future...

Would it be possible for you to pass on appreciation to the Lupe voice artist? I've just finished Internal Affairs and the discussion after it had an awesome tone in how Lupe was taking the death toll. I'm sure that I heard a genuine tremble in her voice and just wanted to say awesome job!

(Don't get me wrong, I've been impressed by the whole cast, the writing, everything. But that one moment just jumped out at me as a wow.)
I'd invite you to pass along your appreciation yourself! Our voice actors are all stars, and I bet you'd make her day if you told her what you said here!

Does Jake's scarf have lore?
He hates a cold throat. (Also, I think I noted down that it was his dads...)

Now that CH3 has been out a while, I have what I perceived as a plot point that got sort of abandoned I'd like to ask about.

During Chapters 1 and 2, more than once (mostly from Jake, although Wise mentions it after the Battle For GNN too) implications are dropped that there's going to be a "traitor amongst us" sub-arc and that it'll be Aiden - when all evidence suggests he's perfectly loyal to our cause, just kind of a prick. Was that ever meant to go anywhere, or just Jake being paranoid?
We're hoping to get some future quests out for all of the main staff members! Some unresolved plot threads will hopefully be tidied up...

what do you think Magnusson’s SPECIAL Stats would be?
These are always open to change, however, before the war likely something like...
ST: 8
PE: 10
EN: 6
CH: 16
IN: 20
AG: 6
LK: 4

I’ve heard rumor of a fleshy Magnusson in our future…is this true? And will he look just as handsome, asking for a friend…?
In the flesh?! Neah (but maybe)... Or perhaps... in something else?..
(Of course he'll be as dashing as ever. He's Magnusson, for crying out loud!)

I think having the Atom Cats as a group to recruit for the assault would fit in great with the story line. It seems a missed opportunity.
See future content. Some very... "cool" future content...