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The Castle - Fort McGann


Active Member
I'm gonna give this one a go - the Castle is both an interesting and challenging place to build.

I'll be going for a relatively modest yet detailed build, mostly if not strictly military themed. As title suggests, the Castle will be renamed in honor of the General who died here defending the armory.

See you in a month with a (hopefully) completed city plan.

EDIT : Nnnope. Hit the build limit with so much more left to do and, honestly, I've exhausted my enthusiasm for continuing so enjoy these images below.

Firstly, an aerial shot. I wanted to build a little more onto the central area behind the radio station and gym, and perhaps do something with the wee shack where the workshop is located, but otherwise I'm satisfied with the general layout.
Your average wastelander would arrive from the northwest and arrive here.
To the right is the trading hub, a small shopping precinct and recruitment office outside Fort McGann proper.
To the left is the courtyard, an area where wastelanders can gather to hear from the General (or any elected representative of the Commonwealth Provisional Government). And, of course, General McGann is immortalized in bronze(ish) glory.
There is a small scrap and salvage operation on-site, being utilized to ensure ongoing upkeep of technology and weaponry in the fort.

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Now I think I've had these questions answered before in previous builds, but just to be certain -

*Am I allowed to use the extended scrap profile function from Place Everything (INSERT Key) to remove certain pieces of scrap?
*If spawning in objects using console commands (i.e. a statue not found in build menu) is there anything else I need to do to ensure it is picked up in the city plan?

That's all for now. More pictures inbound later.
yes and yes

you have to link objects you spawn in to the workshop workbench
hightlight the object and use console command
setlinkedref X workshopitemkeyword
Xis the workshop ID.
Getting a feel for the area. Very much a WIP, though externally I'd expect this kind of scale. All the real goodies will be inside.

Will have a small town by the side entrance (front left) and a tower overlooking the rear entrance (front right).

That said, approaching half the allotted build limit so... wish me luck, I guess?
you have achieved what I could not in my build, you are using more of the area. I dig it. More pictures, please.
How much time do I have left to finish this? What with Chrimbus coming up and me fighting off both work and the 'flu I've missed a few good days of build-time, and now I fear I haven't enough time left.
the 28th US central time midnight ;)
Only a few days left , make sure you have you top 10 pics in your first post.
I regret to inform that due to a loss in the family I will not be completing my build in time to enter the contest.

However, if possible, I would like to still complete the city plan at a later date and submit it to be used by other players. I've done too much work that I'm proud of to just ball it up and throw it away.

If it can't be done, that's okay. Just let me know :)
Sorry for your loss

yes we can include your city plan at a later date. No rush just spend some time with your family.
yeah man build it

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The primary building (under-detailed, my apologies) hosts the seat of power for the new Republic: the Commonwealth Provisional Government. Here we can see the legislative branch (upstairs); where leaders from settlements across the Commonwealth gather to establish new laws and taxes and such; and the executive branch (downstairs), a player home where the General of the Minutemen can perform their work and duties. Those metal doors open right out onto the stage and dais overlooking the courtyard.
The medical wing (again, under-detailed) consisting of one internal commercial plot and one room full of props. I literally use the exact same location for a hospital every time I build here.
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Living quarters for the troops, the higher the rank the nicer the amenities. Three internal residential plots, two internal recreational plots. I would have liked to put in more detail, but I feel like this is adequate.
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The final branch of the new Republic: judicial. This is located inside of the old General's quarters, with administration off to the side. Be it by old laws or new ones, justice will be brought to the new Republic...
... by force, if necessary.

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To those fortunate enough to hold high rank or favor in the new Republic, sections of the upper levels have been repurposed for residential housing - six plots in total, with one agricultural plot for good measure.
The south entrance has only two uses; deployment of troops, and arrival of the General. Average wastelanders will be redirected around the lake to the trading hub on the northwestern side.
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Fort McGann was primarily seen as a location to centralize power in the growing Minutemen empire and, as such, began to shrink down the number of new recruits it could both house and train. That being said, the fort still took in and trained new recruits.

The legislative and executive branches were fenced off from the training grounds to prevent unwanted persons from wandering into areas where they could potentially see or take sensitive information, as well as to protect both representatives from settlements and the General.
Access to the water purifiers. Whatever.
My only regret was not having any building space left to do the lighting.

That, and that I have boneitis.
I love everything bar the floating lights from vault tec rooms, put some wooden supports in the walls holding them up and bam done.