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Stuck in quest line


New Member
I am stuck after finishing the "Hub of the Problem" quest I should get the next one which is to see the Ron, however I am not getting the quest in my diary and so it does not start (no gunners by the door, Ron does not speak to me besides his usual barks. When I realized this was an issue I reloaded an earlier save and replayed the whole quest from the point of meeting Jake by the theatre, but again, the same issue. Not sure how to progress now :(
Hmmm, there are built in quest skipping in one of the holotapes or the city planning desk. It is recommended over setstage console quest edits. You will also get all the items in the SS2 quest skipped. Ah, found a link "I'm stuck on part of the main quest." section if you are comfortable with skipping that particular quest.
Hmmm, there are built in quest skipping in one of the holotapes or the city planning desk. It is recommended over setstage console quest edits. You will also get all the items in the SS2 quest skipped. Ah, found a link "I'm stuck on part of the main quest." section if you are comfortable with skipping that particular quest.
I did try this, however because there is no active quest as far as mod is concerned, using the skip button on holotape just skips past ALL quest in the mod (giving me quite a few levels in the process as well). It's what I ended up doing anyway since it doesn't seem like there'd be a fix coming in a reasonable timeline. It's a shame because I love the voice acting and the quests are fun, so having to console command my way out of those is disappointing.
Have you tried clicking on the ron and doing console command recycleactor. I've had to do that on a couple of quests like that.
No but I doubt it'd work in this case since I never got the quest to talk to Ron, and Jake already had the barks indicating he gave me the quest, so the only way I think it could work is if I somehow reverted Jake to an earlier state and have him try to give me the quest again. In any case, I am restarting anyway since I got new hardware so I'm reinstalling the system.
No but I doubt it'd work in this case since I never got the quest to talk to Ron, and Jake already had the barks indicating he gave me the quest, so the only way I think it could work is if I somehow reverted Jake to an earlier state and have him try to give me the quest again. In any case, I am restarting anyway since I got new hardware so I'm reinstalling the system.
oh okay got ya. I may have to restart mine too as one of the last quests to get completely done with chapter 2 is stuck. Sucks cause I got like 5 days and some change on that save.