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Stuck conversation during 'How to HQ'


New Member
I'm currently stuck at a point where I have to meet with the staff but when I try to start the conversation with Lupe she just says her line and doesn't engage and progress the conversation. I tried doing the previous steps again two times already but got this problem every time. I also tried talking to the other staff members but they don't advance any conversations either.
I have verified load order is correct, restarted the game and re-entered the HQ multiple times.
If anyone could provide me with a fix it would be greatly appreciated.
Wouldn't recommend skipping as the issue causing this is pretty serious and if you skip, the patch will not correct your save.
Ah, thanks for the warning, I'll go back to a previous save. Did notice that Jake's note (
the one he left by the rebreather
) was empty, hope it'll work when the quest works.
Ah, thanks for the warning, I'll go back to a previous save. Did notice that Jake's note (
the one he left by the rebreather
) was empty, hope it'll work when the quest works.
That's likely just an oversight. Since a lot of people work on this together we sometimes put placeholder notes, holotapes, or terminals in and assign a task to the writing team to fill them out - so this one likely was missed.
I downloaded it, the conversation is progressing like it should so that is fixed I guess, but now the departments I've built disappeared :/
Likely just a HUD issue - the HUD will force update every time you load your save or return to HQ. HUDFramework, the mod that lets us inject things into the game HUD has some flaws that can cause it to lose information, so we try and stick some force updates in like this to try and minimize the impact.
Thanks Kinggath. Working for me on my "broken" save where I'd saved after Lupe had begun her loop. I'd reverted to a save before recruiting Mansfield in the meantime so will run through the quest from the beginning quickly now and check.
It works for me, though it seems to have broken stodge. He's just repeating his line like a Sony Walkman with skip protection. "Thanks to the ASAM's we've got plenty of supplies to spare. Building materials, food, water. Even caps". Soon as he finishes he starts again.
Likely just a HUD issue - the HUD will force update every time you load your save or return to HQ. HUDFramework, the mod that lets us inject things into the game HUD has some flaws that can cause it to lose information, so we try and stick some force updates in like this to try and minimize the impact.
I meant the actual things built like the security in the front of the building, the engineering closet & bedroom disappeared. No ability to rebuild them and I don't think the HUD bar in the top was showing red before either. I'll just revert to an older save I guess.
Edit: Reverting to an older save that had them built but not assigned seemed to have done the trick. I may have broken it somewhere else.
I meant the actual things built like the security in the front of the building, the engineering closet & bedroom disappeared. No ability to rebuild them and I don't think the HUD bar in the top was showing red before either. I'll just revert to an older save I guess.
Edit: Reverting to an older save that had them built but not assigned seemed to have done the trick. I may have broken it somewhere else.
That is extremely odd - I have no idea how the items would just disappear.
The beta got me through Lupe and sent me out to stodge who now also does what andromeda's stodge does. Get's into a "thanks for the asams loop" and repeats for eternity.
Here's a public beta fix for this issue:

Let me know if it works for you all, if so I'll plan on pushing it out as part of a hotfix patch tonight!
I encountered the same issue of Stodge repeating "Thanks to the ASAM's we've got plenty of supplies to spare. Building materials, food, water. Even caps". The same exact problem Andromeda had. He progresses the conversation but after that he just keeps starting over, not exiting the dialogue camera either. But it did fix the Lupe-loop but now we're stuck on Same-line-Stodge.
Anyways I really love chapter 2 and keep up the good work!
Edit: did not see the Stodge fix, will check and report back.
Started from the quest to recruit Mansfield and everything worked up until same Stodge problem as others are reporting - the quest marker is also pointing directly at Stodge though the quest refers to Theresa.
Interestingly the Lupe fix posted previously has caused the map to update Gunners Plaza to GNN HQ which it hadn't done before.Downloading the Stodge fix now.