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SS2 - Brickhouse by Eldarth and Beds


New Member
So I made some residential plots and for 2 of them, I chose those 2 plots and for some they didn't count as beds in the overview. Like the beds in those houses wouldnt count for total amount of beds in the place, despite them having beds inside the house and settlers being assigned to them. After I destroyed them and put another type of house, it counted. The houses are [SH] Brickhouse by Eldarth

So far Ive only noticed it with those 2 houses and im not sure if it's a bug or what. One thing I did notice is I couldnt activate the beds in those houses either. For every other house I can sleep on the beds but nothing comes up within those 2 houses, its almost as if they don't actually...exist?
That plot is an Addon Pack one, not core mod - the base mod ones are all prefixed with [SS] or [SS2] - would need to talk to @Eldarth directly.

Beds dont HAVE to be usable by the player to count, though.
Yeah, mechanically "settler can use it as a bed" and "PLAYER can use it to bring up the Rest menu" are actually two different things - the beds that come with the game just always do both. There's mods out there that add beds only 'you' can use by only enabling the second option, and a lot of Plots only do the first.
Them not counting on the HUD means they might not be set right as either, though - that's why I 'pinged' Eldarth there, to make sure it was brought to their attention.
From what I understand, the "Bed" needs to be a FURN object with the WorkshopObjectScript and the keywords IsSleepObject and WorkshopWorkObject attached. (not 100% on the keyword names) If it is a multi-Res plot, the LevelPlan has to have the number of Occupants set.
"Beta." :cool
Yeah - I only did minimal "conversion" from SS1 to SS2 and haven't gone thru some of the differences yet.
I'm working on city plan contest so after that I'll get back to actually reading some docs and making another
cleanup/update pass and try and correct some low-hanging easy property/tagging type issues. I need to
re-custom vendorize my shops as well using SS2 methodology.
