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Sim Settlements Hunter-Gather AddOn


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Verified Builder
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New Factories: 1

Building Features

Settler Navigation: Yes
Construction Stages: Yes
Randomized Clutter: Yes
Performance Settings: No

This building is meant to fill that initial gap when a settlement has 1-3 settlers. What I call the Hunter/ Gatherer stage of development before an Agricultural revolution. The plot provides just enough food/ water/ defense for one settler, and enough power for a Recruitment Beacon. I wanted to be able to start a settlement using no vanilla items from the beginning (Sim Settlement plots only), except for the recruitment Beacon.

The plot has no upgrade levels, and is meant to be scrapped when the settlement reaches 4 population. At that point, the settlers would Ideally start working 2 food, 1 water, 1 defense plot and begin their Agricultural Revolution!

Everyone has permission to use anything in this Add-On, including adding it into their own Sim Settlements Add-On.

Version 1.1 added. Version 1.0 has the BA2 archive named wrong, causing the plot to never finish construction. Sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Nexus: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/25403/?
Xbox: https://bethesda.net/en/mods/fallout4/mod-detail/4027929
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Thanks. I actually spent three days trying to make some kind of contraption to simulate electrical generation. Course half that time I didn't realize stuff could be scaled bigger or smaller lol.
I am getting ready to start a new game - and as I run Horizon survival, this mod will be awesome in establishing beginning resources!

I also like the theme. Especially as a lawyer coming out of the vault and not knowing anything about survival or building. Right?

May I suggest you continue this theme of rudimentary essentials?

1) like the martial defense 1x1 .. maybe a small plot with a chair and some tires as a small wall... or a tipped over refrigerator ... items that. Very rustic and minimalist survival.
I really want to continue some plots along the no power theme for the beginning. All the plots, except agriculture, require power to output anything, even at lvl1, so it forces the settlement into needing power right away.

Currently I'm trying to get a version of the settlement beacon working that doesn't need power. Also a decent flat base for agriculture plots. Any new no power defense/ water etc.. plots will need to be all agriculture. Even the lvl 1 defense says it produces defense on the plaque without power connected, but doesn't actually output out to the game until power is connected.
you just need something to trigger the settler recruiting function correct? The beacon must set a flag or something for the vanilla game to recognize that flag of sorts to send a settler to your settlement? Maybe just a special bell? a big church bell to ring through the valleys and hills...

How about a crude blacksmith shop... some settler banging metal over a hot coal fire... or something along those lines... no power needed, just settler power... like a scrapping station.

Just thoughts.
Idea for the powerless beacon. You could have it powered by a settler turning a crank? The animations for the cooking station with the roasting spit could be reused, since they turn that?
I believe a plot formed on one of my settlements the other day that acted as a beacon. It said that as long as I have homes and jobs available, settlers would arrive. It was an industrial plot.
But it did need power.
I believe a plot formed on one of my settlements the other day that acted as a beacon. It said that as long as I have homes and jobs available, settlers would arrive. It was an industrial plot.
But it did need power.
Pretty sure that was from Industrial City. Scavenger Support Station.
Yup it's from Industrial City Add-On. Brilliant concept and works well.
Yes think that's the addon, good addition but needs power to plot

It does require power, however that's only because I made it require power.

Having said that, if @Kana292 just wants to make an unpowered object that triggers vanilla recruitment, that's fairly easy to do. However it would probably cause the radio station to trigger, so you'd want to have some kinda justification for that (broadcast tower hooked up to a battery or something? The crank mentioned above? Not sure)
It does require power, however that's only because I made it require power.

Having said that, if @Kana292 just wants to make an unpowered object that triggers vanilla recruitment, that's fairly easy to do. However it would probably cause the radio station to trigger, so you'd want to have some kinda justification for that (broadcast tower hooked up to a battery or something? The crank mentioned above? Not sure)

That's what I was thinking of trying. Shrink the tower down some and remove the power required keyword. Then try and spawn it in. Had to take a break from doing any modding for a bit. So just starting to get going again. For future plots, I am thinking of going agricultural plots. It was my first choice, and already had 3 built, but then realized it had to have power for the beacon. I deleted them all without saving unfortunately.
I like the battery or crank idea, maybe trying to add the beacon function to a duplicate item ham radio set with the battery or hand crank possibly.
That's what I was thinking of trying. Shrink the tower down some and remove the power required keyword. Then try and spawn it in. Had to take a break from doing any modding for a bit. So just starting to get going again. For future plots, I am thinking of going agricultural plots. It was my first choice, and already had 3 built, but then realized it had to have power for the beacon. I deleted them all without saving unfortunately.

I BELIEVE if you make the plot produce power it will power itself and only provide excess power to the settlement power grid (mean 0 if you simply offset the plot power requirements), but you might test/confirm that.

It's a way to make the plot use the proper plot types while still not requiring or producing any power.
I like the battery or crank idea, maybe trying to add the beacon function to the ham radio set with the battery or hand crank possibly.

The "beacon function" is a keyword. All the work is done by the workshop itself, it just requires you have a workshop item with the proper keyword built in the settlement.
Yeah, I would like to make sure they can't power up a residential plot with it. hopefully preventing the residential from upgrading and throwing the needs greater than the plots 1/1 output. Thanks for the info on the beacon function. that helps a lot. I have no scripting experience in F4 yet, so any script modification is beyond me right now.