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Settlers assigning themselves to multiple plots


New Member
I'm noticing settlers assigning themselves to multiple work plots. Is there anyway to remedy this without turning off auto assign, and doing a lot of micro management?

Also, quick side question: I've noticed that the 3x3 power plots have multiple settlers assigned to them. Is this intentional?
Some plots can have multiple workers, so that might explain the power plants. If you turn on the HOLO HUD it should show you in the second row.
Turn off auto assignments then go into wsfw and turn off the settlers auto assignments. No there is no easier way the way auto assignments works is basically if you have 10 settlers and 20 plots it’s struggling to assign them but if you have 10 settlers and place just 1 plot down it will be cool cause it’s not trying to do 30 things at once.

basically micro manage is the only good way to get stuff working right , even without the auto assignments on though new settlers will auto assign to stuff.

almost all 3x3 plots will take between 2-3 settlers if you wanted to assign that many.
I've noticed that the 3x3 power plots have multiple settlers assigned to them. Is this intentional?
For my Basic XL Power plot yes, because I found Basic tier to provide too little so I generally needed multiple before unlocking Advanced Power. So I made this plot in order to be an early game option to help cover a settlements power needs, as I don't really like to use vanilla non plot objects / prefer plots only. Although I do tend to do a lot of micromanaging. On my Advanced 1x1 power plot, I'd gotten request for 2nd person at L3 so added that in.
I was curious. I noticed that some of the bigger plots needed 2-3 people. I think it's neat, seeing as it makes sense having more people work in, say, a power plant.