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Settlement Stuck Upgrading


New Member
Hi everyone, I am happy to finally join the community! I have encountered what appears to be a bug and will try and be specific as possible to help find a solution easily.

First of all I would like to specify I am on XB1 with SS Lite and SS RotC. After seeing an incredible looking Kingsport Lighthouse being featured in the trailer for the latest DLC it was the first settlement I headed to after booting up my game. I already had eight settlers living there and upon arrival assigned Deacon as the leader. I received no cinematic--panning camera circling the settlement--is this not in the lite version? Afterwards I donated copious amounts of junk to the settlement as well as building beds, water, and food for them. Happiness is floating around 60. I then noticed that it seemed the entire settlement had got stuck halfway through building as there are still red boxes hanging around near the shoreline. In addition to that, I cannot assign settlers to the numerous "for rent" residential plots--the game gives me an error message pop-up in the upper lefthand corner that says something to the effect of: "this NPC cannot be assigned to this resource". I tried sleeping a few times to no avail.

So... afterwards I came here and noticed there was an incoming hot fix arriving very soon but wasn't sure if it was applicable to my situation. Any recommended solutions would be appreciated!

P.S. I am unfamiliar with the new settings menu, where/how do I make build times as fast as possible? (I am redoing all my settlements before exploring and having to wait is not preferable). Thanks for your guys' time and consideration.
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The build times should already be set at maximum speed.

There is a known issue that Kinggath is working on resolving - as in he has already identified the root cause and he is now working on a hotfix - regarding cities not upgrading however I too am unsure if this is what is affecting you.

In many cases testing with a fresh character and no mods is the only means to conflict resolving as extraneous scripts, conflicts etc could be causing this behaviour.

Alternatively you could wait until the hotfix is available and see if it resolves the issue for you.
The build times should already be set at maximum speed.

There is a known issue that Kinggath is working on resolving - as in he has already identified the root cause and he is now working on a hotfix - regarding cities not upgrading however I too am unsure if this is what is affecting you.

In many cases testing with a fresh character and no mods is the only means to conflict resolving as extraneous scripts, conflicts etc could be causing this behaviour.

Alternatively you could wait until the hotfix is available and see if it resolves the issue for you.
Thanks for the reply, I will certainly try that. Is there a way to "refresh" the entire settlement by chance?
There's also a known issue that was preventing settlements from upgrading under certain common circumstances. The beta patch to correct it is already out and it should be posting to bethnet sometime today.
There's also a known issue that was preventing settlements from upgrading under certain common circumstances. The beta patch to correct it is already out and it should be posting to bethnet sometime today.
I just made an account here to ask if other Xbox players had this same problem.
Welcome and we should have you back to upgrading settlements in a few hours if all goes well.
Here is a rundown on my settlement issues since I cannot share my save:

Kingsport Lighthouse lead by Deacon, current level: 0, upgrade scrap collected: 100%, stored food: 21, stored water: 8, armoury equipment rating: 30, tax & vendor income: 0 caps/day, 7 people, 3 food, 6 water, 27 power, 28 defense, 9 beds, 50 (rising) happiness, (I have a provisioner assisting with the resources). I have refreshed the city as a whole and was finally able to experience the cinematic mode--which moved back towards the ocean while zooming out. It was not circling and eventually zoomed out far enough to de-load assets so I pulled up my pip boy which immediately prompted a couple of pop ups in the left hand corner. However, I was unable to see them as the game transitioned to a loading screen. In addition to that, it seems I can only assign new settlers contrary to some of the older ones at the settlement--a few arrived when I built the city. When trying to assign older ones I get the pop up in the upper left hand corner "This resource cannot be assigned to this NPC". Lastly, several red highlighted "navmesh blocks" are littered about the settlement. I think it has to do with the city being at level 0 and not 1? Sleeping and fast traveling around has had no effect. Regarding my load order, I have SS Lite above RotC and both of them are near the top.

Just tried setting up a city at Jamaica Plain and had similar issues which included: camera cinematic going out to sea instead of circling and city level still stuck at 0. However, no red navmesh blocks this time. In addition to that, the foundations seem to be properly built this time.

I just want to confirm that the hot fix is out? I saw RotC was updated as per the mod's page on Bethesda's website. Please advise.
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Hot Fix bringing Sim Settlements up to version 3.0.1 is out. Neither Industrial Revolution nor Rise of the Commonwealth expansions needed any changes for this.