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schools addon to sim settlements


New Member
first off i forgot my name i used on here a while back and cant find it lol screw it.

hey there, wanted to ask if anyone has done the above yet. ive only looked a little bit on F4nexus and did not find anything about a school addon to sim settlements.

i know kids dont have some of the animations needed (from what kiggath told me a while back) for the sim plots. i have not looked into it yet. i want to know if someone has already did this as it was about 2 years ago when i was thinking of doing this.

if no one has done the above yet then im going to tackle it and get it done. no idea how long it will take. dont care!

thanks for any info i really need to know before i start
I haven't heard of it being done, and even if something similar has been done, multiple versions of the same plot type are useful for variety and theme
freaking awesome thanks myt. just wanted to make sure.

i will be attempting this so if others ask just let them know.
putting the finishing touches on a armor mod i ported and will be doing this next
Vault-Tec Tools has an interior plot which is just the front of the classroom and teacher's desk, and the terminal can spawn additional student desks. I haven't used it myself, so I don't know if kids will actually use the student desks.
well what i was going to add was having "orphans of the commonwealth mod" dependent to add alot of variety to the plots i was going to make. along with upgrades and how it effects the other plots and your town as it grows to lvl 3. more than likely gonna make it so this is a commercial plot/s.

MUAHAAAHAAA make money off kids lol just like you can with turning in taxes
I liked your idea, but I think it would make more sense if it was a recreational plot, because it would gave them some education, and more educated = more happy settlers right?

Now thinking deep about you idea.
How the kids would be "recruited" to the settlement? It would come just like a normal settler via the recruit beacon or it would have to be manually added using some sort of menu? They would just appear if the settlement has a "school plot"? They would count as normal settlers (requiring a house/bed, food, etc)? They could grow up eventually? If yes, they would differ from another grow up settler who didn't went to school? Things to consider.

If anyone here played Fallout shelter, at fallout shelter if you put a man and a woman at the same recreational room, they generate a child. It would bring my immersion level to the maximum if that could happen at Fallout 4. lol

EDIT: just saw Jonnan thread (someone linked here) and his idea to treat the kids as visitors (like the visitors sim settlements already has), really makes things more simple in comparison to what I was thinking.
im not really sure how far im gonna go. i do know its "going to be" automatic. to many other mods that require manual stuff to do i dont want to add to it as much as i can. dont know about kids "growing up" im sure that will cause hella problems but i may look into it. I am not even sure if its possible would need expert knowledge on it.

know this who ever reads. i will go the route that is more and more ++ elc mod friendly as i can.

yes i did play fallout shelter i still do lol.

thanks for your ideas