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New Member
I've uninstalled texture mods, removed ENB, lowered taxing options in the performance menu, and the Sanctuary build plan always crashes immediately upon cell load. I've attempted cheeky back-walks to get close to cause a remote destruction - but never shows up.

What should be my course of action? Thanks.

EDIT: Corrupt cell. Closed.
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Go to home plate or some interior cell and run...
cqf kgsim_cpmanager ForceClearSettlement 250fe
Wait 10 minutes real time.
Visit sanctuary & use the Town Gavel to clean up any left overs.
Thanks for the reply, I see all of the work you do on the forum and I appreciate it.

However, I think it's a corrupt cell. The console command allowed about 15 feet into the cell, and would crash. Did scrapall commands, Town Gavel, would still crash. It is what it is. Thanks for the help.
Unfortunately.. yes it's most likely a corrupt cell. :(
Since there are Optimized city plans now, for future runs, I'd set the Use Complex City Plans to Off.
Or at least make note of the ones that have been troublesome, and use the optimized plans for them. Just toggle the setting before starting the build.
Food for thought question:

I wonder what would corrupt a cell like this. I saw this issue a lot in my July data analysis, and as I've started the preliminary August numbers, it has also appeared. Is there something happening in these cells that is corrupting (a) the navmesh planes, (b) the statics, or (c) some dynamically generated variable or object that isn't completely loading, exceeding an array cap, etc? Can it be prevented/mitigated for future saves, or is it simply a "pushing things too far" kind of problem that is endemic to the engine itself.
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Quote from the Master Code Monkey.. Kinggath! hehehe
Not really sure. It’s all conjecture right now.
Best we can tell is has something to do with the power grid.

But pushing the engine to far over the limit very easily triggers the problem. The power grid corruption can also be replicated in pure vanilla... BUT... is insanely hard to replicate consistently.
Ah. That makes me think, then, that there is something related to power transfer that is being dynamically generated on cell load every time, and that eventually fails to generate or generates incorrectly under high load. But, dangit Jim, I'm a doctor, not a computer programmer, so I could be completely off base.
I still say one of the programmers tried to use common core math.. 2+2= whatever you want it to be. Here's a trophy. ;)
That's actually not a bad analogy, and á propos to the current situation, since Common Core focuses on teaching students how to get the right answer, but tends to leave out instruction on why doing it that way gives the right answer.
I wonder if it's a powerline version of the old "ghost plant" bug, where moving/deleting a plant after assigning a settler to tend it can leave behind a "ghost" object that, when interacted with, causes a CTD. It could be that the city moves the power connections around between levels, but is leaving behind ghost connections that something is programmatically interacting with on cell load which results in the CTDs. Or, it's creating/duplicating ghost power connections whenever it loads or the workshop update script runs, resulting in eventual array limit errors and ultimately crashes. Fits with the other item spawning issues that have occured in older versions. *shrug*
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I wonder if it's a powerline version of the old "ghost plant" bug, where moving/deleting a plant after assigning a settler to tend it can leave behind a "ghost" object that, when interacted with, causes a CTD. It could be that the city moves the power connections around between levels, but is leaving behind ghost connections that something is programmatically interacting with on cell load which results in the CTDs. Or, it's creating/duplicating ghost power connections whenever it loads or the workshop update script runs, resulting in eventual array limit errors and ultimately crashes. Fits with the other item spawning issues that have occured in older versions. *shrug*
The "connections" are the problem or major a part of anyway. Code spawned connections are more prone to trigger the bug. That's why we always tell folks not to wire anything to the CP connections.
Then someone says "I do it all the time no problems". Me.. kool! (CTD in in 3...2...1....) LOL
But personally, I'd like to see KG use cdante's code to wire up the levels. Have "yet" to trigger the bug with a TS import. (YET I SAID!!) hehe
But personally, I'd like to see KG use cdante's code to wire up the levels. Have "yet" to trigger the bug with a TS import. (YET I SAID!!) hehe
Unfortunately, that'd exclude Xbox users since that's part of why Transfer Settlements needs F4SE (as you already know, more a rhetorical statement for anyone who isn't aware).
True.. very true!
But I've watched KG pull 4 deathclaws outs well it wasn't pretty... but it worked great in the end. After a good scrubing in the creek. hehehhe!