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S@#^House has an extra door...


Active Member
Finch farm...extra door down the middle. Don't know if the error is a result of the plot or settlement. Looks like a revolving door.....but it doesn't.
Try refresh that should get rid of it
Emphasis on "should". I've seen this happen before, with different plots.

ht tps://steamuserimages-a(dot)akamaihd(dot)net/ugc/929300535095192123/66DC63C936BBE3D8C1A15DB7BE623710E016EA78/
being my shop in The Castle. xD
yeah its generally caused by script lag .
can happen to beds and chairs as well usally just after they level up
refresh should fix it until the next time it levels then u may have to do it again ;)
Yes, but does refreshing the plot get rid of the smell? Mm. The smell of tatoes and razorgrain in an intestinal tract stew.
I had this exact thing happen and actually it’s pretty funny. Settler hurries himself over there, opens the door...Doh another door. Son of a
when I made this plot I was thinking this is perfect job for Marcy ;) :grin
I had this happen to the lvl 3 brewery. It was pretty easy to pick out the town alcoholics after that.