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Rumor of a Sanctuary


Well-Known Member
Part 1
Two super mutant brutes stand guard at a rickety gate with a mutant hound. The sky cracks open in shocks of green and thru ringing ear drums you could still hear the ghouls throwing themselves at the northern wall as they had done for the past 3 nights. A steel bell rings and the two brutes abandon their post leaving the hound chained at the gate to guard it.
“Go Go Go” Three men charge out of the dark, and stab at it with spears made out of bone and sticks. The three men quickly kill the hound, but not before it wails out.
Okay, let’s go everyone, to the gate. Ten more run out of the deep shadows of a moonless night toward the gate. One of them makes quick work at picking the lock and drops the chain to the ground. Another alarm is raised, and another crack of green, lights the grotesque bodies of a dozen super mutants running back to the gate.
“Alright everybody split up and make your way due south just like we talked about. It should not be more than a day or two of travel”
14 souls dashed out into the green hazed darkness, as the mutants crashed thru the woods after them, all the while hurling ridiculous insults and shooting blindly into the darkness.
Part 2
Three humans looked down the hill thru the trees to see several blue and yellow rusty buildings. The adjacent lake and a river would make getting water much easier.
Hounds howled in the distance.
"We need to find a place to hide for the night, and that place it too open." "Look over there whats that building on the other hillside?" "We should have a better view from over there. Better hurry its getting dark."
Night had fallen and the familiar green haze of the sky was starting to grow as they reached the building. "Oh, I know know what this is, its a vault. Watch this." He pressed a red button in the tiny metal building and quickly ran outside,and an alarm started to sound. "Quick, stand over here with me"
The floor started to move slowly downward, metal screeching on metal.
Darkness gave way to dim lights as the reached the bottom of the shaft.
There appeared to be another door, but try as they might they could not get the vault door open.
"Lets just stay here for the night, its still safer than above ground."
They were startled awake by the same metal on metal screeching. but this time it was the vault door. They rushed back into the elevator, but could not find any controls to make it go back up.
Then they heard a voice and the sound of a gun loading another round. "Who the hell are you and what the hell is going on here?" They all turned to look at a woman in a blue jumpsuit that had a shot gun pointed at them.
"We just came down here escape the super mutants chasing us.", said settler one
"What the hell is a super mutant?", asked the vault dweller
The settlers looked at each other then back at the vault dweller. Settler two asked, "Have you been living under a rock?"
"Well......., sort of." Replied the vault dweller. She lowered her weapon and said, "lets go up topside and look around then." The vault dweller entered the elevator and did something on her pipboy and the elevator started to rise.
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14 souls dashed out into the green hazed darkness, as the mutants crashed thru the woods after them, all the while hurling ridiculous insults and shooting blindly into the darkness.
Sounds bleak and dystopic like that movie "The road". Love it! It would be cool to see a Sanctuary that is a fortified mutant camp.
Sounds bleak and dystopic like that movie "The road". Love it! It would be cool to see a Sanctuary that is a fortified mutant camp.
You know what, that sounds like a better idea than where I was going with this, but in this case our heroes are escaping the clutches of the super mutants for a better life in Sanctuary.
Only a few days to go , make sure you have all 4 save files ready and send them to kinggath,sirlach and myself.

Good Luck
Chapter 1
First thing we did was get that old loader running so we could move things from the vault and move around the junk. It would make up for our lack on manpower. We used it to gather up all the fallen trees . Plenty of wood and metal around for us.
I'ts amazing that salvage crew was able to find what they needed for that damn huge windmill.
A bright if not gangly framed human named Dave thinks he has a better idea getting power from the vault thru some underground lines he found and a better way to build windmills. We shall see.
Level0 Tract II.jpg Level0.jpg
Chapter 2, Tom managed to build us a sawmill that we put straight to work with the trees we collected. Since we were attacked in the middle of the night, a defensive perimeter is now in order and the vault dweller suggested using all the old cars and appliances.
Dave got his power stations up and running figured out how to make a better windmill that we can eventually increase the output, if we can find some batteries.Level1 City View.jpg Level1 Sidewall.jpg Level1 Smokehouse.jpg Level1 Tractor.jpg Level1 Windmills.jpg
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Chapter 3
Our new walls, tacky as they are, seem to be working for the most part. We repelled 6 super mutants and some ghouls in a rad storm, but it did take us down from 17 to 15.
The new windmill is up and running and having the extra power is nice. Lilly is working on a city sign for us, her idea seems a bit excessive.Level2 Vaultroom.jpg Level2 City view.jpg
Level2 Power station.jpg
Level2 Staging long view.jpg
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Chapter 4a
A our resident non Feral ghoul park ranger, a thing that I admit i never knew existed, finished his town, and I must say I am impressed. Lilly got her sign setup then went about decorating the cityscape. I am pretty sure she has been listening to way too much diamond city radio. I mean the guy that runs the CAT-B-Q is named Phil, not Pete.
The vault dweller rarely comes around now. We keep his purple house ready for her she she pops in on occasion.
(I'm am using the mod darker nights, which I highly suggest, for maximum light effects.)

Level3 back wall defenses.jpg Level3 Catbq And clinic.jpg Level3 Cul-d-sac.jpg Level3 Hunter room.jpg Level3 inside tower.jpg Level3 Night View wide II.jpg Level3 Power Armor Parking.jpg Level3 Roof house inside.jpg Level3 'Roof House.jpg
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I love that sign, clean and good layout.
Looking good, love the tree-house, and those wind turbines are little masterpieces. They look so much more convincing than the vanilla ones or plonking an engine on a girder tower like I usually resort to.
I agree, those are nice wind turbines. I like your gatehouses too.
The sign is awesome and I really enjoyed the use of kitchen appliances for the fence! Definitely agree that your wind turbines are better than the vanilla options.