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ROTC level 3 load?


New Member
I was wondering if there is less load on the system after a settlement reaches level 3? I know there are obviously more assets being loaded but at level 3 the build script is finished correct? So if I wanted to have lets say 6 ROTC settlements total in my game would it make sense to only have 2 going at time till they reach level 3?

Also do the vault 88 and Mechanist lair plans have more or less load on the system since they are both behind load screens? I have a fairly stable game right now but I really want to start utilizing ROTC and Industrial Revolution more while maintaining my stability.
The build script is actually incredibly lightweight. The number one issue folks seem to run into is going too far over the build limit.

It's very inconsistent though, as many players have no issues other than the expected framerate drops when more things are on screen. While other players will experience crashes.

I recommend all people new to City Plans, set City Upgrades to Manual. That way you can save your game before each upgrade, and then if the game becomes unstable after you do an upgrade, you can roll back and leave that settlement at the lower level - knowing that your particular hardware/mod list is unable to handle pushing the build limit that far.