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Returning to the game after years away question about a bugfix from the Next Gen update

Excessive Paranoia

Active Member
Like many people, the new series gave me the bug to play again and of course I consider SS2 to be a must-have which brings me to the question at hand...

The update contains the following in the bugfixes:

"Resolved issue that could cause corruption within the Settlement system resulting in wrong resource counts and/or destroyed settlements."

My question is how critical is this to someone who's planning a long playthrough with SS2 + RotC? Its not a bug I've experienced in the past, but I've seen this fix called out more than once as being a huge deal since its been a thing for years, so I'm wondering if its important enough to justify taking the NG update and then setting aside my plans to play for a while until all of the update issues have been worked out, or is this not something I should worry about and go ahead with starting up a new playthrough without getting the update?
