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Resurgence doesn't go anywhere?


New Member
I went to HQ, the quest says go to the meeting room, got that, then attend the meeting. I sat down, it checked it as done, but now nothing. Got up and talked to everyone there : Jake, Lupe, Cassandra, Fiona, Mansfield, and Theresa. Aiden isn't there - should he be? I've left, waited a few days, went back, still nothing? I could use the skip quest ( I have before ) but I don't want to miss anything fun!
I did try that and it sort of "worked". It didn't tell me not found .. but it also didn't bring him to me. So I tried the other way around. Screen loaded, and it took me nowhere. Just where I was standing, in the meeting room with everyone seated and there but Aiden. Cripe I broke it didn't I?!
Your Mod Index ID for SS2 may be different. Like, for me it's 10, so it would be 10043DE1.

View attachment 25810
Welp .. it did work! .. sorta. I enabled and used moveto player and POP there he was! He did not however say anything or interact at all. No matter what I tried. I did end up having to cheat and skip the quest. I watched a play through to see what I missed and dang it ... looked fun! Ah well. You did help me though!! And now I know new things lol Thanks!!!
Yeah, a lot happens during that quest. Not sure why you lost Aiden like that :/
Aiden somewhere in the recesses of the wasteland for no reason lol No idea why or how he got lost but .. thanks to you, I found him lol
john travolta GIF