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Martial Plots
1) Protectron 1x1
It'll Showcase the little pod that a Protectron is usually in, and it'll have a turret. It'll also have a random Protectron Type that goes with it. (Fire Fighter, Medic, etc).
NOTE: Hopefully decorate this with a very junky way, because my settlements are very wood/junk themed. (AKA make it look normal if it was on a wood base or a variant that will fit a wood base)

I've been wanting a Protectron FOREVER in my base, and not the automatron protectrons, because they don't get the firefighter and all that colors, also I want it to be apart of a plot. Please if anyone does this, let me know!

Wood-based walls, similar to kingaths' perfect other buildings, don't make it perfectly clean!. Or if you do, please include a junky wood variant.

2) Mr and Mrs 1x1
I'd scream if someone was to do this for me. Imagine just a little shed it can chill out in with the person assigned where they can look out the window to see incoming enemies.
It could also upgrade like this
Lvl1 Mrs. Nanny
Lvl2 Mr Handy
Lvl3 Mr Gutsy
(lvl 1 and 2 can change, idk the real stat difference between them and junk)

Wood-based walls, similar to kingaths' perfect other buildings, don't make it perfectly clean!. Or if you do, please include a junky wood variant.

I've been wanting These cuties for so long in my base!


Commercial Shop or Industrial
3) Mrs Nanny [Interior is what I want but 2x2 will work]
This could be 2 things
A medical Commercial Shop with Mrs. Nanny (robots can't work shops, so I'm begging you please do this for me)
Or a Industrial plot that produces medical supplies and has a Mrs. Nanny Savaging.

Wood-based walls, similar to kingaths' perfect other buildings, don't make it perfectly clean!. Or if you do, please include a junky wood variant.


Thanks For Reading <3
I'll update here if I have anymore ideas/request
You don't need my permission to use ANY of these concepts, just tell me if you are, because I badly want to see them made!
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